Neptune Aquatics


hey agian the newbie. i wanna get with the DBTC but it wont let me i have some frags i would like to share and see if anyone has any they wanna trade but i cant do to much my tank is just starting still and the best thing i have is devils armor lol. i pay alot every week to get new ones and getting some from fellow reefers tends to be better then at a shop i have one good friend in san jose who we hook up and trade but lol i m paying in cash cus i dont have much to offer lol oh i cant wait till that tank is jammed with life that spread in a year lol envy
Cool! Dbtc is an awesome way to enjoy and share. What you need to do is join the club by paying the $20 membership fee. You can then access all the features of the club! Trust me, it's worth it!
It shows that you are a member, so you should have access to DBTC. You can't access that part of the forum? If not, maybe another BOD member can check into it.
Steve, he isn't flagged in his groups as "2010 BAR Member" so that is why he can't see it.

Costa510, please read this:
I think you have a slightly different view of what DBTC does, how it works, and why we are passionate about it. A little info will guide you well :)
yea i read that and i understand that i m not the bad type lol i spend alot at stores i think its an outstanding idea to trade and grow corals within a comunity so everyone gets a nice reef tank and people can look to each others for help yea lol i saw this and joined instead of nano reef.

my tank isnt ready for anything speaical all i have is alot of zoo's i m getting LEDs for my tank and i m taking the top off on my red sea max. but then i ll get like two sps cus its a small tank. by this what i mean i dont care if i dont get anything $20 buck dosent bother me i just like the helpful hints and alot of people have been nice on here lol i can count on as soon as i post new replys will be up fast. trust me like the site love the help and crazy about reef tanks
Again, DBTC isn't in any way shape or form about trading or buying or spending :)
You can also join Nano-Reef. They have good folk and info there as well.

By the way, please try and follow a little grammar/capitalization/punctuation/spelling. Communication is much improved when the parties can easily understand each other. It also shows that you care about your post and people will tend to read and respond more.
ok no need to be rude. i m simple trying to join up so what if my spelling isnt great, i didnt go to college after high school i went to fight in a war. lol i didnt know there were fourm bullies on here haha
Not at all bullies, but come on, typing better than that in middle school ain't hard! Just a simple glance over before you post isn't difficult.
costa510 said:
ok no need to be rude. i m simple trying to join up so what if my spelling isnt great, i didnt go to college after high school i went to fight in a war. lol i didnt know there were fourm bullies on here haha

I wasn't being rude, I was being polite and constructive. Simple punctuation and capitalization simply make for easier communication. People of various backgrounds use these forums, and a little effort (trivial if you ask me) aid greatly in the discussion. Ideas get presented more clearly. Miss-interpretations are minimized. When people read a wall of lower case letters, they tend to simply ignore the post.
I'm just trying to help you out.

i wasnt being rude I was being polite and constructive simple punctuation and capitalization simply make for easier communication people of various backgrounds use these forums and a little effort trivial if you ask me aid greatly in the discussion ideas get presented more clearly missinterpretations are minimized when people read a wall of lower case letters they tend to simply ignore the post im just trying to help you out

Your pick.
Ok sure I didnt know it had to be perfect, I write like I'm texting. Why am I getting roasted now, all I wanted to know was how to get with dont break the chain. I can see gomer is protecting it, because of bad people thinking its a place to get shit for free. I m not one of those, and as you can see I'm not big with the forums thing.
And I didn't see that post till after. I'm not good at spelling or writing, so I'll try harder so not to make you guys mad. Like I said I'm not good with fourms this is like the second one I've ever joined.
Welcome. This is the only forum I read and post much, and it makes much more sense after attending a few meetings. I also found that posting my real name in my posts helped me get connected here.

Its great that you are posting pictures too.
I SUCK at spelling as well. Firefox has a spell check I use all the time :)

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service :D
costa510 said:
Ok sure I didnt know it had to be perfect, I write like I'm texting. Why am I getting roasted now, all I wanted to know was how to get with dont break the chain. I can see gomer is protecting it, because of bad people thinking its a place to get shit for free. I m not one of those, and as you can see I'm not big with the forums thing.

No roasting here ;) Gomer was just going off of what you said in your first post. It gave off a certain impression. Of course, it's on a forum and things get misconstrued all the time - That's why he pointed the whole punctuation etc. out. It's all learning

Thanks for serving
I have noticed with people under 25 (I am 25, so I don't count!), it is incredibly hard to communicate. They are much more likely to use that annoying text talk. We use smiley faces, and that is about it. I have told friends that if they use text shorthand, or include numbers in th3r3 c0nv0, I w1ll st0p t8lk1ng w1t th3m. :)
Yea I suck lol, you forget everything in the Army even after being blown up a couple of times. I really want to go to these meetings, I was super happy when I saw it was in Hayward. Some one said to me some where that its a bunch of talking, but i could careless I could spend the whole day at reef store. I ask alot of questions about everything, all I want is know and watch it grow.

I was stationed in Hawaii and every weekend at 5 am I was in the water, but i was surfing and not looking at coral other than to miss it if fell. I wish I spent more time diving now but oh well.