Cali Kid Corals

December 11th BAR meeting Pot Luck Food items

I just recognize many of the ingredients via remembering the taste. It may not be it, but it's sure damn close :) My friend (Korean) who made it for me said it's an old family recipe. I know for sure he made his and it wasn't via some bottle :D
Haha... that's like a recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich :D

Everybody just throws it together with what's laying around in the cupboards.
Given I have had it numerous times and it tasted the same every time, I kinda doubt he went willy nilly on it ;) Now I have to email him and ask! I wish I lied up in Arcata, I could just swing by and watch him make it.
Shouldn't be too hard if you memorize the taste to experiment with some base sauces and then layer more flavors in to your liking.

On another note, not sure if I can make it or not. Missed out on Rich's presentation the last few times so was hoping to make this one to see what the octogod had to say.
Ibn said:
Shouldn't be too hard if you memorize the taste to experiment with some base sauces and then layer more flavors in to your liking.

On another note, not sure if I can make it or not. Missed out on Rich's presentation the last few times so was hoping to make this one to see what the octogod had to say.

Same here. I'll be in Ventura for their Fragswap :(
I about said if there is any left in the frying pan due to the drive. Its been in the store lately, lets hope it holds out a few more days.
GreshamH said:
Gomer said:
1pm zulu time?!!!! :p


So is this meeting at 1 pm zulu (which is Greenwich Mean Time), 10 AM - 4 PM, or what???

I think I will show up a bit before 1 PM (Pacific Standard Time) with some home made Xmas cookies.
Made by the wife, so they should actually taste good.