Cali Kid Corals


nope canceled it for 2010. So no BAYMAC and no Bay Area Coral Farmers Market for the BA this year.

Please don't make me go to LA.....

Thanks for your efforts Gresham. If I know you, you probably tried everything in your power to keep it happening.
Apon said:
The farmers market too? why? Tyree runs that one- not enough interest?

No Steve AND Art run that one :p

The BA-CFM numbers kept dropping so like any good business man he went to a better market. Instead the slot is being taken by a CFM in Orlando, FLA
Maybe something can be worked out to save it. I'll revisit in a few weeks once I get my birthday, CMAS and the new year out of the way. I'm not a big fan of this time of year to say the least. I had to get a pressure gauge for my car tire yesterday and spent nearly 45 minutes in line. I guess auto-parts are a big gift item this year :(
GreshamH said:
Maybe something can be worked out to save it. I'll revisit in a few weeks once I get my birthday, CMAS and the new year out of the way. I'm not a big fan of this time of year to say the least. I had to get a pressure gauge for my car tire yesterday and spent nearly 45 minutes in line. I guess auto-parts are a big gift item this year :(
Happy Birthday (obligatory post, I know just how you feel)
Hang in there Gresh.

It would be great if we could do something in the area. I am glad reeffarmers pulled out. Maybe Victor will stay out of the bay now 0:)
mpoletti said:
Hang in there Gresh.

It would be great if we could do something in the area. I am glad reeffarmers pulled out. Maybe Victor will stay out of the bay now 0:)

Victor would be coming out for BAYMAC if it did happen. He's a good guy and some one I support. Hope you understand :)
I'd love to see something happen, many hands make for light work ;) plus, I'd to ask Victor where he got D.M. from being that he's selling frags.
tuberider said:
I'd love to see something happen, many hands make for light work ;) plus, I'd to ask Victor where he got D.M. from being that he's selling frags.

Jeremy, I have said many times that I am just glad that I live in northern cali because our perception of the industry is just a bit different due to the reef clubs, lfs's and awesome programs like DBTC.
GreshamH said:
mpoletti said:
Hang in there Gresh.

It would be great if we could do something in the area. I am glad reeffarmers pulled out. Maybe Victor will stay out of the bay now 0:)

Victor would be coming out for BAYMAC if it did happen. He's a good guy and some one I support. Hope you understand :)

I understand; Everyone has their own opinions of people; including many people who may not care for me :) My interactions with him may differ from others; thats all. The good thing about being just a consumer is that we can choose to spend our money where ever we want to.
tuberider said:
Not enough interest, we already have all of the good coral :D
Unfortunately, I am thinking the same. Plus the mentality of BAR and Nothern Cali Reefers are sooo much different. I have been to Socal CFM and met many reefers outside Norcal and the scene is different. In Norcal, a lot of us are pretty much sharing and selling at reasonable price. Out there is more of how much I can sell this thing ..., a good investment, profit, etc.
After all CFM is not all about promoting coral propagation, but also profit. BAYMAC is different. You'll see the report on CFM, it is always about how good the farmers can make money at the CFM. That's alone show the different mission between CFM and BAYMAC and most of Norcal Reefers (including BAR).
Actually, without CFM, you can still get good stuff or LE stuff here in Norcal and the price LE at better price than CFM to be honest.
To me actually BAYMAC is much better than CFM as you will get to see the drygood stuff too. So I hope BAYMAC can still be here. I will miss CFM, but not as much as BAYMAC. I was hoping BAYMAC will be Norcal's RAP or MAX, but we'll see. If we have an option which one we need to support, BAYMAC it is.
Well put Roy, not only that, there are speakers at BAYMAC as well as vendors hocking their new wares, you walk away with more than just frags. I do like the CFM, and Art/Steve, I do believe they want what is good for the hobby, but as you stated, things are just different here. I'm very happy to have made my way back home to the Bay Area, I've seen the other side and it ain't pretty :D
I am a HUGE supporter of the CFM series. I try to go to every one at every location. The level of reefers that attend are outstanding and always a pleasure to deal with. I know what Steve and Art are doing is good for the hobby and they have only the best intentions at heart. Both Steve and Art are great guys :)

Damn you guys are making this REALLY hard on me :( Seriously!