Neptune Aquatics

Does the new and improved Steinhart still sell saltwater?

It's still taken rfom HMB harbor. I wouldn't swim in that, let alone use it for my multi thousand coral coral collection :p
Hmm, well the tank is in the middle of leak testing now with fresh water. Yeah, it leaks. So far every single fitting I chose to leave threaded instead of slip to give me options later down the road leaks. Some PVC glue is being applied, and they are now permanent. I hope I like it.

Kensington, what kind of notice do you give them for delivery and what's their minimum order?

Anyway, I guess I've talked myself into going to Long Marine Lab. Too bad there isn't a closer option.
Plumbers tape, and putty epoxy can also come in handy with threaded fittings, they leak for me as well on occasion.

Usually they weep for a while then stop.
The problem with gluing threaded fittings is that PVC "cement" actually creates a chemical bond, it uses solvent to chemically bond the PVC together. If you glue then thread there's a chance that you will create channels that the water can flow though due to the physical act of twisting the joints together, it causes the glue string out like spaghetti, in effect creating tiny channels. Teflon tape is your best bet when threading, even then IME it's not 100%.
The old sewage outflow was about 200 yards off the end of the Pacifica Pier.Still might in high flows?
The water would bubble up brown!!.Couldn't believe people would fish there daily,Let alone collect water.
Only worth it when the salmon and stripper came through.I believe in NSW also, but don't think whats out there is
the" natural" people dream of.Location ,location, location they always say and I don't think we have the location .
Is what is in our water column here, the same as where our tank mates come from?
Do some organisms die off due to temp change,etc?
Is there any "wildlife "even in the NSW?
I find the NSW around here to be on the low end of salinity also,always have to raise.
Yet ,I still use it due to issues with storage. :((
I agree with most,What ever is working for you stick to it and change as little as possible.
As far as the weeping threads, I just ran the PVC glue around the outside once it was threaded together, not as I was assembling it. It's a kludge, but a lot easier one than removing it all and disassembling it at this point. It wouldn't hold up under a lot of pressure but since this only sees a few PSI, and it was a tiny drip to begin with, I think it will be fine.

Yes, I knew about the pacifica pier sewage outflow, I only collected there a few times, it was an attempt to get away from the shoreline but not worth the hassle. I often see mysids in my collection buckets, and I'm sure there are other critters. It all dies, as far as I know, but I have been successful in keeping cylopean copepods alive in my refugium for several weeks that were collected from tidepools in pacifica. Little red swimmers that seemed to love to get caught in acropora polyps, thought the last few times I went back there was none in the tidepools, they seem to bloom during high sunshine periods, and their tidepools are quite warm. I'd always intended to culture some in my yard, but I'm pretty lazy.

Kensington: Tank capacity is about 70 gallons, but if needed, I have two 50 gallon drums w/ the tops cut off I could put additional water in. I'd even be happy to get someone's old water change water for my first tank fill, something at least more active and full of life than a bag of chemicals.
I am located in pacifica if you are close. I do about 50 to 70 gallon water changes at a time. the tank is 240 gallon display and 125 gallon sump. tank has been up and running for over 5 years successfully. let me know.
oh yeah I use D&D salt and RO water from my merlin garden pro. I used to use OT's water but was getting costly and not practical to load my pontiac G5 GT with over 50 gallons of jugs in it. It worked but my poor car looked like it was lowered. lol.
Thanks for the replies Kensington and Jrocha. Taking a break from swearing at rocks at the moment but my tank should be ready to fill with salt water tomorrow morning. I'm in San Francisco, can't figure out how to PM on this forum, couldn't find the link.

If someone has water I could pick up tomorrow, my phone number is -deleted-. If I haven't heard from anyone I've pretty much talked myself into starting it off with 50/50 salt mix and HMB water from the store, but I'd prefer to have someone's water change water. I have 50 gallons worth of containers and a desire to see my car look like I bought the performance package.

Oh, and if anyone calls and tries to sell me anything, good luck. I spent all the money at baymac.
Ok, I bit the bullet and paid for water, tank is full of cloudy sandy water.

I think this will be a nice setup though once it's all together, pretty happy with is so far.

anathema said:
As far as the weeping threads, I just ran the PVC glue around the outside once it was threaded together, not as I was assembling it. It's a kludge, but a lot easier one than removing it all and disassembling it at this point. It wouldn't hold up under a lot of pressure but since this only sees a few PSI, and it was a tiny drip to begin with, I think it will be fine.

Yes, I knew about the pacifica pier sewage outflow, I only collected there a few times, it was an attempt to get away from the shoreline but not worth the hassle. I often see mysids in my collection buckets, and I'm sure there are other critters. It all dies, as far as I know, but I have been successful in keeping cylopean copepods alive in my refugium for several weeks that were collected from tidepools in pacifica. Little red swimmers that seemed to love to get caught in acropora polyps, thought the last few times I went back there was none in the tidepools, they seem to bloom during high sunshine periods, and their tidepools are quite warm. I'd always intended to culture some in my yard, but I'm pretty lazy.

Kensington: Tank capacity is about 70 gallons, but if needed, I have two 50 gallon drums w/ the tops cut off I could put additional water in. I'd even be happy to get someone's old water change water for my first tank fill, something at least more active and full of life than a bag of chemicals.

How did you arrive at that ID? They are harpacticoid copepods... Tigriopus californicus.... there is a zoooplankton ban, no collection of zooplankton with out a permit in Cali. Most Tidepool are off limits as well. Just a FYI from a permit holder.
How did you arrive at that ID? They are harpacticoid copepods... Tigriopus californicus.... there is a zoooplankton ban, no collection of zooplankton with out a permit in Cali. Most Tidepool are off limits as well. Just a FYI from a permit holder.

Hmm, I didn't know about this. Maybe it's safer to just buy them in the bottles Reed Mariculture sells. It sounds like it's the same thing, if your ID is correct.

When I first collected them, in approx 2004, I used my little toy digital microscope to snap some magnified pics and asked Dr. Ron Shimek on RC what they were, and if they would be a safe food for my fish. That's where I got the ID of cyclopean copepods. I talked to rep from Reef Nutrition at Baymac and he said the same things you just did also. Bummer, because I was planning to go back and get some more for my refugium as I think they are a great source of food for our tanks.

Out of curiousity, how difficult is it to get a permit, and do they differentiate between hobbyist level collection and commercial scale operations? I assume it's through handled by fish and game?