Our mission

Does the new and improved Steinhart still sell saltwater?

Ah, that's helpful info, though disappointing. I'll never understand how people can employ such faulty logic in protecting environments, it's pretty sad.

I didn't know you worked for Reed, but I'm pretty oblivious. Randy told me his name but I can't remember names, it's a personal fault. Last time I knew where you worked you were partner in an outfit that was collecting from the sea of cortez. I said hi to you @ BayMac, but I don't think you recognized me and looked busy so I figured it'd be easier to just talk here. :)
Gresh- is said document available on the web? I might start working (or just plain volunteering?) at the DFG in Monterey and know a few people in there. Doubtful they're more useful than your contacts, but I'll see what I can dig up.
I'm sure all CA DFG documents are available some place, or via FOIA, but I doubt this one is easy to access. It was sent to permit holders as an update on regulations that effect them.

The thing with CA DFG regs is, if there is no indication about it in the regs, it's off limits.

Why DFG there, why not closer like HMB/SC/or with in the Bay? Just curious :)
anathema said:
Ah, that's helpful info, though disappointing. I'll never understand how people can employ such faulty logic in protecting environments, it's pretty sad.

I didn't know you worked for Reed, but I'm pretty oblivious. Randy told me his name but I can't remember names, it's a personal fault. Last time I knew where you worked you were partner in an outfit that was collecting from the sea of cortez. I said hi to you @ BayMac, but I don't think you recognized me and looked busy so I figured it'd be easier to just talk here. :)

The zooplankton ban actually was a good move given the lack of blooms over the last few years. It blocked some commercial collection of them, which IMO was a good thing given the major pressure on them (lack of phytoplankton blooms = very little zooplankton blooms).

I'm pretty high up there with forgetting names, you're not the only one in that camp :lol: I recognized you but I couldn't put a name to your face :( I meet so many people now with all my travels for Reed that it's majorly compounding the issue at an alarming rate. It makes me feel old :(

I moved on From Cortez Marine ~6 years ago and joined up at Reed 5 years ago this coming July :)
Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.
Glad to see you back in the hobby again Anathema. I got my first coral ever from you when you lived on Cesar Chavez way back when--a galaxea and some clove polyps.
seminolecpa said:
Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.
All right there Private Joker. :bigsmile:
GreshamH said:
Why DFG there, why not closer like HMB/SC/or with in the Bay? Just curious :)

Just because I know people there from previous interactions/internships. But the downside is they're into groundfish etc. I'm more of an invert guy, but I don't know of anywhere that deals with that.