got ethical husbandry?

Don't dump those 660/430 yet

No, IceCap produced the first gen (if we may call it that way) battery back-up units for Vortech.
IceCap went under already.
northbay-reefer said:
Those VHO icecap ballasts are the best, I have a 660 running for over 15 years now

What you bought 15 years ago is not whay they have been selling for the last few years :)

Icecap was a buy and sell company. They didnt build any of their stuff.
hiepatitis said:
Is Icecap going under? I thought they had some good products. Don't they own Vortechs?

EcoTech owns Vortech :)

To echo Gresham, I've had three out of three 660 fry on me that have been purchased within the last 2 years.