Cali Kid Corals

Drop in RODI production

doing some research, looks like the BRS 1 micron carbon filters removes chloramines, and is a few bucks cheaper that the Matrikx Chloraguard 1 micron... in case anyone is wondering as well.

The difference comes down to whether catalytic carbon is used (removes chloramines) vs regular, activated carbon.
doing some research, looks like the BRS 1 micron carbon filters removes chloramines, and is a few bucks cheaper that the Matrikx Chloraguard 1 micron... in case anyone is wondering as well.

The difference comes down to whether catalytic carbon is used (removes chloramines) vs regular, activated carbon.
I remember BRS did a video on how well the carbon stage is able to remove chloramines and how long they last. I remember the one I was using didn’t do well.

Edit: maybe you already saw it.
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