Cali Kid Corals


Note to Gus:

The head that was more open than the rest was a mature head. The ones that were partially open are "new" growing heads that grow very fast and will open fully once they've matured a little. This colony has great growing gusto and each head will open up 2" or more when mature. :)
Six individual head frags available of this fast growing JUMBO head duncan. The first cycle of DBTC frags went over real well with those who have received them. Delivery to the BOD meeting or p/u in San Carlos anytime after the weekend. Any takers :quest:
I'm interested! I have MH light, and a few other LPS in my tank that's doing fine. Would love to try out growing duncan. thanks!

I could pick up at anytime in the evenings or weekends.
I would love a head of your duncan, and can offer you one of mine, after we saw it into smaller pieces! Have not participated in DBTC yet, and could pick up the duncan at your house (cannot attend the March meeting).
You bet, Monzer. Enjoy! :)
Tim......No doubt, they are lean, mean, multiplyin' machines. :party:
My naked Perc loves to wallow in mine. I've reduced the mama colony to about 5 heads but they still open up to about 4-5" in diameter. Purchased only a year ago from the good folks at Ultimate Aquarium. My motto is "a duncan in every tank" :star:
screebo said:
My naked Perc loves to wallow in mine. I've reduced the mama colony to about 5 heads but they still open up to about 4-5" in diameter.
I have 2 varieties of duncans. I have one in med flow/low light and another in high light/high flow. I've also had low light/low flow and highlight/low flow. Seems their size is very dependent on flow rate. In low flow, they get really puffy. In high flow, they get a fair bit more compact (not in growth, but tissue extension).
Glad the little guy is happy in your tank, Steve. Tony, I've noticed the same reaction to flow, however, mine will adjust to flow after a few days of placemnet and open fully even when the current hits peaks of the random cycle. Even peak current is moderate in my tank: Sufficient to keep food or debris from accumulating on the substrate and blow slime off the coral but only creating mild surface waves.
wow 4-5"? can i be next in line for one, mine opens at most 1.5" even at it's maximum puffiness. I would love to see if my clowns would take to the bigger variety :party:
Ok fellows
I have a second generation frag ready for any one that would like to have it. It is small but it is growing very good and healthy. It was frag about a month ago and doing great.
Any Takerssssss