Neptune Aquatics

Durso - water up and down, up and down. Help?

I am setting up my 57 gallon rimless and the water in my overflow chamber with durso pipemplumbing goes up, and down, up and down. Video:

I'm running a mag 9.5 into a 3/4 inch return inlet with a 1.25 outlet into the sump. Both flexible tubing. The tube running into the sump was about 6 inches under water, which I thought was the problem, so it now only goes 1.5 inches below water level. Still no luck.

You can either open up the hole at the top of the durso, or throttle back the pump, the latter being a safer bet.

That looks to me to be a "Mega-Flow" durso which means that it is really a 1" drain, a Mag 9.5 is a little too powerful for that setup, if you can throttle the pump back or build a manifold to run reactors or a fuge (again the latter being a better appropriation of energy) it should stop flushing.
You can just put a ball/gate valve on the return, or trade for a smaller pump, 9.5s generate a lot of heat and if you're not utilizing all of the energy it really doesn't make sense.
I have the same tank and I changed the durso because I was getting too much noise from it.
I'm using one DIY gurgle buster:
I also reduced the pump to avoid wasted energy or using a T.
I think the combination produced much better results and way much less noise.
Note that throttling back a magnetic drive pump does reduce the power used quite a bit,
so don't worry too much about going to a smaller pump.
I'm going to have to T it up because I threw away the original box, thus no returning it. Oh well. I blame my girlflriend, she tosses EVERYTHING, and thus makes me toss all my stuff too.