Cali Kid Corals

East Bay Tank/LFS Tour- April 3rd


I'll need a ride if you have room. I'll probably take Bart down...what time were you planning on taking off to the first stop ?

Jim, I was planning Cheese Board. You all hot for Zachary's? Cheese board would be about $8 a head, figure Zachary's about the same. With Cheese Board there is simple ordering. One for every three people or so. Zachary's we then have to decide flavor. Does Zachary's deliver to your store?

Not sure on the exact start time, but around 3:00. So meet up here at 2:30 to get to Rich's by 3:00. I am working on the map and times tonight.

Patrick I will update the list to include you.
Dang! I would definitely have been participating in this one, but will be out of town that day.

Anyhow, my home tank is not much to look at: clownfish and aiptasia in a 12G nano.
Erin, you up for getting the pies to Jim's at 7:00? I have not even heard of them so it would be good to sample. We can get the order and money together at the first stop.
John and Brian added along with Beverly who I did not catch in guihan's request.

This next week or so, I will be sending out PM to the group for directions to the first stop. Maps can be picked up there for the tour. I will also send my cell phone number.

Just a couple more spaces available.
I attended the SF tour and it was very cool (thanks Arnold). It would be nice to meet some eastbay reefers & checkout Green Marine. I'm out in the peninsula...anybody carpooling ?

I may be interested in showing if anyone is interested in seeing my setup. Keep in mind the tank has only been up for about 2 1/2 months so my mainly SPS tank has very little growth. I don't mind hosting the group if they want to check it out tho. I'm in San Ramon.
Mike, there are others out that way who are up for another tour in June. Thanks for posting here you are up for showing. I'll connect with you directly to see if you can show with that tour.

Bernie it will start at 3:00 on Alameda, and end near 8:00. I will be sending details out to those on the tour soon. You joining us?
yardartist said:
Mike, there are others out that way who are up for another tour in June. Thanks for posting here you are up for showing. I'll connect with you directly to see if you can show with that tour.

June will be a much better time period as my tank will have a little more time to mature. Maybe I'll be able to come along for the tour next time. I'll look out for more info as we get closer to June. Thanks for coordinating.
Mike, AKA Coral reefer, you are welcome to come on the tour as there is a place remaining. I will be sending out a note to everyone in the group with the address for the first stop in private message. Only BAR members get messages. You up for joining the club?
177ike, glad to hear there are other tanks offering up to show. This is my first time organizing a tour and it is all going very well. I look forward to the tour in about a week, and the next one in June.