Our mission

Elos 120 (liter)

screebo said:
I wish they made something more fine and tranparant than bird netting.......hmmm........

I think there is something called "invisible screening" for screen doors, that may be available to purchase. Not sure if this solution would be suitable for your application, but it may be worth a look.
screebo said:
Some current shots including new additions from Neptune and O.T.
Jedi Mind Trick Monti from Neptune

Hey Screebo,

Found this on Vivid - Now I see why you're so stoked on this one. Looks like once it colors up, it'll be a mind blower. :glasses:


Their site doesn't allow to lift photos off it. Smart. H)

Reef Keeper
Bird netting is useless IMO. It looks like we should do a group buy for a roll from Industrial Netting: http://www.industrialnetting.com/plastic_extruded.htm

We can get knotless clear vinyl netting in 1/8" from them, the stuff used to collect your fish :)
Looks nice, however some negativity is needed... your skyline will be in trouble when those coral frags start growing in, IMO you placed them way too close to one another.
I was thinking the same thing. Mine were spaced out even farther then that and I am still runnng into space issues and having to constantly move things around as they grow out.
You are entirely correct Mike. I know I'll have to do some major aquascaping downstream (my guess is next summer) to thin out the acros. Many of them are slow growers, however, and I plan to be a major contributor to the DBTC program. My plan is to proceed like yourself and other members is to grow 'em out big, whack 'em in half and give out BIG frags! My hall of montis is pretty packed too. I won't be done until I have at least 100+ positive Kharma!

Go Dog Go

Still plenty of room if I rearrange a little!
Maybe I'll hit the Lotto and this will end up being a grow-out tank for the next tank.......... :p

John: "Hi everyone, my name is John and I'm a Reef-a-holic"
Everybody: "Hi John"
This reminds me of a conversation I had with Jeremy about open top tanks and fairy wrasses. I don't have room for the next size up at this time so It's good I have a band saw around.

BAR Members: You'll be helping me out to take big, juicy frags off my hands by summer 2010.
Considering the valuable input from my Buds at BAR, I've made some significant changes to my aquascape. I've removed 3 substantial pieces of LR and relocated all the acro and milli frags to the next level down. NOW there's room for them to grow out a bit without reaching the surface. I'll post an "after" pic very shortly for your consideration and comments. Special thanks to Brian and Mike who saw the approaching problem very clearly when viewing my last "full tank shot".
Thanks, Christina. I really enjoyed setting it up. A big upgrade for me after more than a decade of keeping salt water fish and coral using less sophisticated equipment and methods. I watch every day for changes and am usually rewarded with signs of new growth and general happiness. I've learned more about propagation and livestock husbandry in the last 8 months (mostly here on BAR) than in the entire last decade.
John, did you attach your frags to the rock directly, using putty, or are they on frag plugs? I'm trying to come up with aquascaping ideas for my upgrade tank.
When I decide the semi-permanent place to put an acro or milli frag, I cut the stem off of the plug, blot off excess water with a towel, place a couple drops of ic gel where the stem was, place a 1/2 size ball of quick curing epoxy such as Aquastick by Two Little fishes, then one last small glob of ic gel on the ball of epoxy before placing it on the skyline. It may still be removed with mild difficulty, but not by the hermit crabs!