Reef nutrition

Elos 120 (liter)

Thanks all for your support. My enjoyment of the salt water hobby will continue and when I find the "right house" I may or may not consider setting up "something new". For now, I'll simply enjoy knowing that I've met the requirement of staying in the condo I've been renting for 6 years and see some of my coral growing up in other's tanks. Should free up some time too! heheheh All is well as we "stay calm and carry on". Please stay tuned so I can update what's still available and up for grabs. If the tank doesn't end up going as a package deal, there's some pretty upscale hardware I've been using such as the Apex controller. Octopus skimmer, MP40s with wireless module for the Apex, custom sump with fresh water top off reservoir, excellent chiller/heater combo and a smaller chiller for a smaller tank. I'm clearing it out and I'm counting on the club members to help by taking custody of this stuff.

Bummer man! Let me know how I can help...
Hey Mike,
Not as bad as it sounds. The hobby will just get better and better as time goes on. A break is not a real downer for me. I've been religiously doing my water changes and tank clean ups for longer than I can say. I've lived through some major changes in the hobby. Heck, just moving from last generation lighting to LED's was quite an adventure. The current attention to proper animal respect and husbandry is a wonderful thing. Captive breeding and coral propagation has completely changed the landscape of the hobby.

Thanks for the offer to help. I "may" have it pretty well handled but I'm working out the final details this week on where the hardware will be going. I know there is a significant BAR event on Saturday but I'm hoping that on Sunday I can do a big swoop of distribution to start moving hardware out of my place. I'll post updates as it comes together.


sorry to hear that..good luck.
Hey Arnold,
Thanks for the post. You of all people know that the science and satisfaction of being "elbows deep" in the hobby is very high, but so is the effort to learn and grow. I'm ready for a little break. I've always admired your understanding of the whole picture of keeping salt water aquaria and also your success! Wishing you the best!

Good news. A new plan. Denzil will be assisting in placing the tank in it's new home (his) this weekend. Thanks to all who came to the rescue and placed my live stock in great homes. Just need to place the live rock and mean old Purple Tang in new homes, hopefully this Sunday and I'll be a happy camper.
Good news. A new plan. Denzil will be assisting in placing the tank in it's new home (his) this weekend. Thanks to all who came to the rescue and placed my live stock in great homes. Just need to place the live rock and mean old Purple Tang in new homes, hopefully this Sunday and I'll be a happy camper.

I guess that's 'donated to the club' ;) The BOD didn't care to auction it off and have the proceeds go toward supporting all the speakers and events? Denzil has more tanks per square foot than anyone I know :D
Hey Arnold,
Thanks for the post. You of all people know that the science and satisfaction of being "elbows deep" in the hobby is very high, but so is the effort to learn and grow. I'm ready for a little break. I've always admired your understanding of the whole picture of keeping salt water aquaria and also your success! Wishing you the best!


no problem man...enjoy the time off. If you can make it, you might want to join in the SF tank tour so you can get your reef fix in. hard to quit cold turkey.
I guess that's 'donated to the club' ;) The BOD didn't care to auction it off and have the proceeds go toward supporting all the speakers and events? Denzil has more tanks per square foot than anyone I know :D
Well.....there's just no place to store a big tank for club use right now and it was excellent timing that Denzil was ready to go for a new set-up anyway. We came to a good deal for both of us. So at this point, all the coral and fish have been given or promised to club members "on the house". Redistribution of "many dollars" of livestock and hardware complete and final conformance to my landlord's "request" of removing the tank will be finished ahead of my deadline. Good Karma! :) PS I suggest that members do NOT add up what they've invested in the hobby. Very scary, just enjoy the advanced tools of the hobby and keep up with the groovy changes!
Coffee and donuts served to tank move helpers at 10 AM Sunday. Transport may be in a station wagon, anyone got a pick-up? I'll let Denzil make that call. He's the coordinator. :D
I'll be coming by with my Prius to pick up the tank, stand (if they both fit), and the other equipment. Jim and my friend, Micah, will be helping out with unloading stuff from John's place and into the vehicle(s). I'll be bringing 5-gallon buckets to carry the live rock away if no one has any interest in and hasn't been spoken for.
We'll definitely need a small-normal sized pick up for Sunday's tank move. If any BAR members have one and could allow us to load it for a drive from San Carlos to San Jose on Sunday, we're starting the tear down at 10:00 AM and should be ready to make a run to San Jose around 12 noon or just a bit later. Please chime in if you can help with a single run of tank and gear from my place to Denzil's. Thanks, thanks thanks!

you should open a new thread for asking for help will get more views.
Good suggestion, Arnold. As it turns out, I remeasured everything and between Denzil's rig a friend or two and my Jetta wagon, we've got it handled. What makes this so fine is that none of my livestock or equipment will "go away". It all will be hanging in the SF Bay Area contributing to a better understanding of sustainable reef keeping and delighting hobbyists! I'm looking forward to a new chapter in the adventure. I'll surely have more time to add new music to my play list too! heheh
What makes this so fine is that none of my livestock or equipment will "go away". It all will be hanging in the SF Bay Area contributing to a better understanding of sustainable reef keeping and delighting hobbyists! I'm looking forward to a new chapter in the adventure. I'll surely have more time to add new music to my play list too! heheh

Love the attitude! Hope you'll stick around and check in on us now and then, John. Enjoy the vacation, but at some point you'll get sucked back in. ;)
The tank move is all covered. Thanks to all who assisted and offered assistance. Sunday is tank move day, all hardware and livestock is destined for new homes this weekend. Real nice going to keep the Propagation workshops going. Hope attendance was good as it's a great way to share successful propagation techniques. Speaking of propagation, I do have a Diamond Band saw and a small chiller that I'll be placing in our "for sale" forum. That's the last of my gear.
Hey Mike. Denzil will have the rock, but I doubt he's planning to hang on to it. Only a Gryphon diamond band saw and a Current 1/10 HP chiller to pawn off. Oh Yeah, a big new bucket of Kent salt too. I've got 4, 48" Reef
Brite LED strips that I'd part with for pretty cheap. Let me know if you could use them. They are white.
John, How much for 1 of the reefbrites...are they all white? Wondering how they might look on my tank. you can PM me if you want.