Reef nutrition

EnderTurtle's 40 gallon breeder LPS

I've cured live rock before using bleach (I actually did it one rock at a time in a running reef with SPS with no ill effects). Unfortunately in this current case I can't cure, as the tank came with fish and some brown coral and is too small to cope with uncured rock. It was more the scrubbing down of the rock which I may follow, as I've never really had hair algae before now. Anyway, i'll stop taking up your tank journal with my problems and start my own... :).
Alright heres an update on the Satelite Frag Tank.


[IMG_0501.JPG] Who doesn't like doing plumbing work? Its soooo much fun ;[ Honestly though it is fun to put water in the tank and see that it works.

I've got this thing plumbed to my main tank.

[IMG_0502.JPG] Top down look.

[IMG_0504.JPG] Herbie overflow is the besttttt. Mainly because I dont have the space or dedication for bean animal overflow. The herbie suits my needs. Quiet and the emergency drain works perfect.


We've got water folks! Waiting on my kessil gooseneck which should be coming soon.

Finally I can get the stupid frag racks out of my display tank and actually do an aqua scape for my poor ricordea garden.

My plan is to have a small frog fish in here :D The guardian of my frag racks. And maybe a huge sixline for pest control which might become food one day for the frogfish but not until he gets big.
Having a frogfish in a frag tank like that would be awesome. I was in Santa Rosa a couple of weeks ago and stopped by Caesar's tropical fish, and they had a sold black one that started to make me rethink my tank inhabitants...
7/12/2015 Full Tank Shot


See that gap on the left side of my tank? I through out a pretty big piece of live rock to make room for a temporary frag rack to house the grow-out frags for our grow-out contests. Now I can finally remove that rack and have a nice aqua scape. And there's a dolphin pet village BTA sitting in that plastic cup. :) more updates later

Got the mini frag tank up and running.

Lit by the Kessil160WE. No powerhead.

One issue I didn't think about plumbing a small frag tank like this to my main tank would be the amount of flow going into the frag tank. I reduced the nozzle flow rate just enough to have decent water turnover from SUMP to Fragtank but any higher and the frags would get too much flow.

Good thing I have the locline valve in place.

Definitely like having a frag tank for those frags that I dont have time to glue down and for setting up grow-out competitions.


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Some new goodies for the tank.

Some unnamed rainbow zoas from Aquatic Collection. If you're into zoas, I recommend going there and picking these up ASAP while they still have frags.

My rainbow acan from the BAR LFS Day Tour event. Looking good Neptune Aquatics!

New frogfish for the frag tank! From Aquatic Collection.

Spoiler: He doesn't eat the shrimp in this video. He ate it shortly after but I didn't record it.
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Seduction People Eaters
  • Origin: California Reef Co.
  • I think it's neat how the adult polyp takes on this bright sky blue color while the younger polyps have this Agave People Eater look to them. I'm betting once they get bigger they will take on more of the Sky Blue color. It will be neat tracking this color change.


Pink Lemonade Acro
  • Origin: Ros_coe from BAR Frag Swap 2015
  • Picture doesnt do this thing justice. Bright lime green with red polyps! Polyp extension is crazy long. You know it came from a well established SPS tank. Let's see how brown I can turn this thing!!! :cool:


Rose Nebula Zoa (OFTEN mistaken for Tyree Space Monsters)
  • Origin: Mr. Poletti
  • Skirt becomes gray if it gets too much light

CRC Gold Mauls
  • Origin: California Reef Co.
  • Love the splattered black on this orange. Gives it the "maul" look.

I am a zoa nerd.
  • Supermans, Chiquitas, Electric Oompa Loompas, Aquatic Collection Rainbow Zoas. Lol and the purple/green encrusting stuff is the base of a Acropora that I ripped out.


Also a ricordea nerd. The blue ricordea florida was one of my first corals from the BAR New Hobbyist Workshop. I haven't seen a blue ricordea florida in a while.


Frog fish be like MOVE CORALS!!!
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Nah. The anemone in the ricordea picture is suppose to be a cc flame tip i bought during their recent sale, but they sent me a discolored one. Suppose to get a replacement soon.

MG= 1290
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I can give you my left over muriatic acid when I acid cooked my rock. Does wonders and KILLS anything and makes your rock ( SANITIZED ) of any pests and hitchhickers before you place it in your tank.