Neptune Aquatics

Eric's 125 build.

The reason why i ask is you can get more into focus (increased depth of field) with a smaller aperture (larger f-stop number). To do this you need a tripod which you seem to have.
Maybe try messing around with focus lock buttons AF-L or AE-L may be different on our camera then pressing down the shutter but half way to lock focus then can use remote control or timer to activate the shutter..Hands free helps tremendously if you have a lower quality ball head which tend to drift..Geared heads are hard to beat for macros and gimbals for wildlife with heavy set-ups.. With the newer iPhones you can switch to Raw format and take 48 megapixel size macro & scenery pictures which are pretty crazy and bigger then most DSLRs on the market.. Fun to play around with but memory hog!!
The printed wier. It's working great.

I told him to run parallel at two different speeds for two different purposes.

I would run mine each with its own pump just to get more water volume through them.
Thanks E
IF I had 2 uv at different wattages, I would do as you suggested
However since they are the same wattage (57w) I will run them in series for longer contact time

Thanks to @Darkxerox and @Srt4eric
Thanks E
IF I had 2 uv at different wattages, I would do as you suggested
However since they are the same wattage (57w) I will run them in series for longer contact time

Thanks to @Darkxerox and @Srt4eric

With that long of contact time you could be killing off a lot of beneficial stuff too. I'd still run one slow to kill ich and stuff and the other fast forward algae and dinos