High Tide Aquatics

Eric's Frag tank!!!

Just got some amazing frags from @jhuynh!!! It was awesome to be able to show you my frag tank also!!!

Nice frag tank with great healthy looking corals!
What's the plan with the frags? Are they eventually going into the DT?
Well that was a close one. I was going to dose AB+ last night but I didn't, so I went out to my garage this morning. I never go in my garage before work. It was dead silent in there. NO POWER in my garage. After trying a few things I found my mixing station was the culprit for blowing the gfic. Everything it back up and running on the tank. It dropped down to 69 degrees in tank. Fingers crossed.
Well that was a close one. I was going to dose AB+ last night but I didn't, so I went out to my garage this morning. I never go in my garage before work. It was dead silent in there. NO POWER in my garage. After trying a few things I found my mixing station was the culprit for blowing the gfic. Everything it back up and running on the tank. It dropped down to 69 degrees in tank. Fingers crossed.
Bring it back up slow
That much water won't heat up fast, unless you have a couple 600 watt heaters, I bet the temp increase happens over 6-8 hours today and the air should help slow that down