Cali Kid Corals

Faux built in tank started!


Coral I collected in Tonga
DJ powerstrip behind tank:

Left side electrical behind tank. Its all above the water line and still needs a little tidying and labeling:
So rich I notice your manifold which has 3 tees and a ell (4 outputs) have adjustment valves on them, I assume that's because you found out that the first one would get a majority of the flow and the last one the least?? :) I only say that because it looks like the earlier ones are shut off a bit more than the last one.
sfsuphysics said:
So rich I notice your manifold which has 3 tees and a ell (4 outputs) have adjustment valves on them, I assume that's because you found out that the first one would get a majority of the flow and the last one the least?? :) I only say that because it looks like the earlier ones are shut off a bit more than the last one.

Mike, which plumbing line? The 10 manifold closed loop?
this one
one which I apparently miscounted and see FIVE returns off one pipe.
Ah - The ell went at the end because it looked nicer. :D The earlier ones are shut off more because they point directly at corals where the later ones point across the thank.
ahh groovy, looks nice there though, and just to think I was going to berate you for spending so much time doing that interactive plumbing demo ;)

Btw where do you get the flexible end tube thingies? I've seen them on peoples tanks but never knew what they were called to search for them.
I think you are talking about the loc line -
Some LFS has it, but the selection is almost always poor. :D

Or you may be talking about the Oceansmotions omni flex nozzles...

I've gotten loc line components from fosters and smith and aquatic ecosystems for good prices. You have to look around a bit. The prices can be variable, with particular components cheaper at one place or the other.
Ok I'll have to look into those loc line dohickies

Hey Rich is your rock artificial? It just looks so branchy and nicely standing almost as if it wouldn't naturally be that way if made from many pieces.
Loc line is great, but it isn't 100% leak proof, which is why I only use it above the tank. :D

All natural (too many reefers getting out of the hobby all the time for met to make artificial rock). Lots work in the aquascaping.
Wow, did you have any sort of PVC structure under that? Or zip tied any of the pieces? Next free meeting date need a class on the art of the aquascape :)
No PVC or zip ties. :D A little bit of epoxy on one piece that was giving me trouble and I glued one acrylic support to the left side overflow just for extra protection. Its all about rock choice for me.

Aquascape workshop...hmmm. Maybe we could go to an LFS and play with a tank and their rock. :D