Cali Kid Corals

Felicia's 30 Gallon Seahorse Tank - Seahorses have arrived!!!

A while back I bought a yellow acropora cerealis. Are you planning to have SPS in the SH tank? Being dirty eaters and all...

No, I'm going to just do softies, gorgonians, and macros in the seahorse tank. Most people don't recommend SPS with seahorses, but I think it can be done in some cases.
Most sps is not going to work in a tank like that.

Yeah, I believe some SPS can sting and injure the seahorses and then there is also the issue of the seahorses hitching to the SPS corals. Most of them are too sensitive for that and will end up with their polyps retracted all the time and tissue loss.
I just placed an order with because they were running a deal where you got free overnight FedEx shipping if you spent $99. I got a citron clown goby, a green clown goby, and a pair of ORA neon gobies (one yellow and one blue). They will be going into quarantine for 6 weeks before they can go in the seahorse tank. I also got a St. Thomas mushroom for the new tank and some empty shells for the hermits and for the jawfish to build with. Additionally, I got a big bottle of Tisbe pods to seed the fuge with and some phytoplankton to feed the pods until the tank is more mature. Oh, and I got some nassarius snails for the CUC in the new tank.
Here's the first FTS after getting the scape and sand in there. Its still a bit cloudy, but clearing up. The tank is just sitting cycling now. I also just placed a huge order with KP Aquatics. I'm getting my mated pair of jawfish from them and wanted to make the overnight shipping worthwhile. I got 4 new gorgs, 3 sponges, and my CUC. I'm converting the frag tank into a quarantine tank to hold these fish for 6 weeks of quarantine. I have to be very careful not to expose the seahorses to any parasites or pathogens. I figured I'd go ahead and get some of the fish since they have to sit in quarantine for so long.
Niceeeeee! That is like the perfect aquascape when I think of seahorses too. With macros in there its going to be a sweet little seahorse forest.
Looks like a great setup. Nice and open, lots of room for macros. I like how it creates a U shape, and how sides are similar, yet not too symmetric to be obvious.
Oh wait.. You need to replace that coarse live sand with really fine silty powdery mud. Best for the seagrass. (kidding!!!)
Niceeeeee! That is like the perfect aquascape when I think of seahorses too. With macros in there its going to be a sweet little seahorse forest.

Thank you! I'm pretty stoked about how it turned out. I'm glad you like it too! I can't wait to start placing corals and macros in there!
Looks like a great setup. Nice and open, lots of room for macros. I like how it creates a U shape, and how sides are similar, yet not too symmetric to be obvious.

Thank you! I'm so glad you guys like it. I tried to keep the seahorses and the different macros, corals, and gorgs in mine when I made it.
Oh wait.. You need to replace that coarse live sand with really fine silty powdery mud. Best for the seagrass. (kidding!!!)

Haha! You don't even understand how sick of sand I am at the moment. This sand is definitely staying right where it is. I actually really like the mix of live sand I ended up with. Its a nice blend of fine stand with larger pieces and shells and stuff. Should be a nice balance.
My order from KP Aquatics arrives tomorrow morning sometime before 10:30 am, so I had to get my frag tank all ready as a holding tank for the new fish. The mated pair of jawfish are arriving tomorrow with the KPA shipment and then Thursday morning I will be getting a shipment from saltwater fish with my gobies. The frag tank was a mess because I constantly have to fight with nuisance algae in there and I'd gotten lazy with it lately. The water tests all come back great and corals and fish and inverts do wonderful in there, but I just can't keep the hair algae under control. I have no idea what the deal is in there. Anyways, its super clean now. I did a 90% water change and scrubbed everything free of hair algae. I also added some of the leftover live sand I had bought for the seahorse tank to make the sandbed deeper for the new jawfish. I also added 4 PVC fittings as additional hiding places for the new fish. Hopefully this will work well as a holding/quarantine tank for a few weeks until the new tank is ready for fish. Here's a photo. Sorry its cloudy, the new sand is still settling: Speaking of cloudy water, the seahorse tank water is now crystal clear! All the sand has settled and is looking great. :)
Haha! You don't even understand how sick of sand I am at the moment. This sand is definitely staying right where it is. I actually really like the mix of live sand I ended up with. Its a nice blend of fine stand with larger pieces and shells and stuff. Should be a nice balance.

Actually, I really do understand. I replaced all of the sand in my 250G several months ago. And to do that, I had to take a hammer and an aluminum rod to it to carefully break it apart. The old sand was supposed to be fairly coarse, but was actually flake-like. It blew around, gathered detritus, and ended up sticking together like concrete.
Actually, I really do understand. I replaced all of the sand in my 250G several months ago. And to do that, I had to take a hammer and an aluminum rod to it to carefully break it apart. The old sand was supposed to be fairly coarse, but was actually flake-like. It blew around, gathered detritus, and ended up sticking together like concrete.

Oh wow! That is pretty insane. That sounds way worse than my little sand fiasco, so I'll count myself lucky. Everything is easier when you're only dealing with a 30 gallon tank instead of a 250 gallon tank!
So turns out, my KP Aquatics order is not coming until tomorrow. I requested Thursday delivery but then I got a FedEx email yesterday saying I had a package on the way with an estimated delivery date of today. What happened was KPA generated the FedEx overnight label yesterday which sent me that automated email, but they didn't actually ship the package until today for delivery tomorrow. So sorry! We gotta wait until tomorrow for stressful fish! So that means I'll be getting both the KP Aquatics and Saltwaterfish orders tomorrow morning.
So turns out, my KP Aquatics order is not coming until tomorrow. I requested Thursday delivery but then I got a FedEx email yesterday saying I had a package on the way with an estimated delivery date of today. What happened was KPA generated the FedEx overnight label yesterday which sent me that automated email, but they didn't actually ship the package until today for delivery tomorrow. So sorry! We gotta wait until tomorrow for stressful fish! So that means I'll be getting both the KP Aquatics and Saltwaterfish orders tomorrow morning.

LoL at least you got everything done last night and things have time to settle ;) Not only that, you can be done and over with everything all at once, haha. No additional stress to the fish by having to do a second acclimate the day after they are put in the tank. Little mercies in everything ^.^
LoL at least you got everything done last night and things have time to settle ;) Not only that, you can be done and over with everything all at once, haha. No additional stress to the fish by having to do a second acclimate the day after they are put in the tank. Little mercies in everything ^.^

Yep, I'm glad I got the frag tank all ready to go last night. I actually requested that both packages arrive on Thursday because I wanted to do it all at once, but then I got that email from FedEx yesterday and thought they had shipped a day early. It works out much better to just go get them both tomorrow :) I'm having both packages held at FedEx so they aren't subjected to more handling and cooler temperatures on the truck.