Cali Kid Corals

fireman type Monti

I've always got room for another monti. I've got hella lighting too for comparison in growth/color with other members.

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
I'll let Bryan get first crack at giving frags out if he has them available in his frag tank or something for this because mine is connected to the rock and attached 10x over :D I do plan on having the lights off the top of the tank sometime this week so I can get to if should the need arise and more people want it.
For some reason I don't see the flod gates opening up on this one, so no worries Mike, besides there area plenty of others out there with it (not to mention I recall having to verbal you until you took one :D )
Yeah something like that, you had a handful of people who wanted the coral at that party (who was that person's house?) and you made 2 to 3 handfuls worth of frags on the saw.

When the flood gates open, or more than a trickle I'll happily chop the piece of the rock.. after all it'll be that older piece that's more browned out, and encrusting montis always have nicer colors on the new growth :D