Probably not ideal. I just use reefnutrician Live Photo bottle. Mixed strain. It’s what I have .I like culturing phyto. My tanks seem to enjoy it too.
What strain are you culturing?
Good luck!
Probably not ideal. I just use reefnutrician Live Photo bottle. Mixed strain. It’s what I have .
If you want to do it successfully, I'd definitely go with a culture grade single species as @BAYMAC mentioned. I'd reach out to @Coral Hub (Nathan) to get some tetraProbably not ideal. I just use reefnutrician Live Photo bottle. Mixed strain. It’s what I have .
It will go clear. You have to wait for one species to get out competed before another one will take off. My harvests are usually day 7-10. I'll let them go longer sometimes just to get it really dense.How do I know the culture fails?
Yeah... the constant rolling boil gets loud for sure!I’m already regretting starting the culture . I have it in my home office aka my man cave. It’s noisy!