Neptune Aquatics

Forum Contest: Flaming Zebra Zoa Grow-out Contest - TRACKING

5 adults 2 babys

Wooo last few days to submit photos.

If only 2 people remain, they are instantly the winners and the remaining 3rd prize will be split between the two.

Post your monthly picture or forever hold your peace.
FCKKKKKKK woke up spontaneously and realized today was the first. I don't even rmemeber the last time I posted... Noooooo


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Ouch and you're only 40 minutes late. Hope ya understand but if I let you continue, then I have to let everyone who didn't post for September remain in the contest.

But on the brightside, I'm coloring up a cc flame tip nem which will be for sale in about a month.
Updated the tracking sheet. With only 4 people left in this contest, we are now down to the wire!

The next person to be eliminated (if any) will end the contest, meaning we will have our 3 winners.

Who knows, this thing might go until the actual end date of December.
@johnny lam I feel you. I was running out of the house last night and I snapped a shot cuz I knew I had to send it but then while I was out and about to post I realized I took a pic of the acan grow out! Stupid me for procrastinating. Still a great coral and contest. Thanks again Mike. Good luck to the remaining contestants.

Well it's good to hear that at least people still have the zoas and they didn't all die :) Hope you're enjoying them even without the prize
Well shit, normally I get a notification when someone replies to this thread, am currently up to 10-12 polyps but I guess it's too late...


Oh well, good luck to everyone else, at least I got a bitchin piece out of it all, I was totally going to win this haha.
Jill is about to be the only winner of this contest lol

Interesting to see that most of the white flecks on Jill's zoas have disappeared, while some of y'all zoas still have the white flecks. Probably due to her 100% blue light setting on her kessils.
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Still 7 polyps. One is in the back of the frag plug


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