Cali Kid Corals

Forum Contest: Flaming Zebra Zoa Grow-out Contest - TRACKING

6 adults, 2 babies. I mounted them on a rock with other zoas, sorry for any confusion that causes (ignore the 100 other red/orange polyps behind this colony)

:D those zoas from roberto are very aggressive growers aren't they.

They don't seem to bother anyone, but they do grow quickly. The problem I have is really the Hollywod Stunner chalices which grow out of control and sting the hell out of everything near them. Surprisingly, they can't seem to sting the zoas to death but now the colony is so big it's shading the zoas for this growout.
5 polyps open, one that got seperatrd from the rest isn't ipen, hopefully will open before the day is out and I can get another pictureimage.jpg
We have our Winners!
First Place is @muhli with a final count of 8 Polyps

Second Place is @Vhuang168 with a final count of 6 Polyps

Third Place is @Ahruk with a final count of 5 Polyps

I will be PMing you 3 regarding which prize you want.

In the future I may, add "cheat months" to these contests. Everyone gets 1 month where they can miss a tracking picture.​