High Tide Aquatics

Forum Contest: Semi-Rainbow Acan Grow-out Contest - WINNER

Thanks! This is my first/only acan, so I wasn't sure what to expect or look for. I do hope I end up with a nice little colony of these guys.
@Enderturtle - nope, it's still pretty much solid orangey-red. I would really like to see some pink and green set in, but even without, I still really like it.
Here's my May pic.


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Acan is still alive but lost some color due to a small heat wave in Livermore. forgot to turn the AC on before I left to work. This thing eats like crazy but is hardly showing signs of growth!
Here's mine for June - Had to squirt water on it with a baster to get it to shrink up so you could see the babies. The center is getting a nice pink color, while the outer part is red. You can clearly see 4 on the front, but there are 2 more on the back-left that are basically impossible to photograph because of where they are. Guess I could pull it's rock out of the tank, but I'd rather not right now...

Wow goes to show how much acans can change colors from different tank conditions.

You and Winfield are tied :)

as for you other guys with still just 1 polyp, feed them and they will grow faster. but dont overfeed though.
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Here's mine for June - Had to squirt water on it with a baster to get it to shrink up so you could see the babies. The center is getting a nice pink color, while the outer part is red. You can clearly see 4 on the front, but there are 2 more on the back-left that are basically impossible to photograph because of where they are. Guess I could pull it's rock out of the tank, but I'd rather not right now...

Looking good. That's a nice color. It's a clever idea to squirt the parent to get a better shot of the new heads.
I counted 8 baby heads completely filling in around the base of my acan today. 6 of them have developed the fluorescent green coloring at the mouth the adults have, which makes them easier to see (since the flesh is mostly translucent).

Front view, biggest baby is directly below:

Side view: 4 other baby heads ringing the side
My wife noticed how prominent the baby polyps are after lights out, so I took a couple of pictures tonight. It looks like 1 large polyp (2cm) and 9 baby polyps around the base (2-5mm). The baby polyps on the top of the base seem to be getting more rainbow color and the orange ring around the mouth, while the lower/shaded baby polyps are more translucent with a subtle green mouth.

Front shot, lights out and everyone has feeding tentacles out:

Side shot, lights out and feeding tentacles:
I'm having absolutely no luck with mine so far! I'm waiting for it to explode but no I get nothing lol. Still one polyp and I finally glued it to a rock lower in the tank.

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