High Tide Aquatics

Forum Contest: Semi-Rainbow Acan Grow-out Contest - WINNER

:p iCon I noticed that too.

It's okay those red planaria don't do anything to corals until theres enough to smother them and prevent photosynthesis. Flatworm exit can crash a tank if you use too much or if you don't do a thorough water change after.
:p iCon I noticed that too.

It's okay those red planaria don't do anything to corals until theres enough to smother them and prevent photosynthesis. Flatworm exit can crash a tank if you use too much or if you don't do a thorough water change after.
Water changes/carbon optional. Just nuke them already!! :D
Here is my Aug pic...I am in last of tied for last .....but still in it...lol

Dang it I'm out! Sorry guys I just got caught up in a bunch of personal stuff and the heat wave caught me with a broken AC unit in the toasty tow of Livermore :mad:. I had the tank sitting in the mid 80s and my acans did not like it. Mine is still alive but I had to throw it in the shade to hopefully recover from some tissue loss.
And @Corallus Acan is still alive and recovering, continues to show a strong feeding response. Originally the color was almost entirely bleached, but has been filling in to a dark pinkish color:



Wow, thanks for posting those!
It really does look to be continuing on the road to recovery. Amazing how fast things can turn bad with coral, but how slow they can be to come back. Now, if I could figure out what went wrong...
Hear ye hear ye!

We have declared Mr. Wpeterson the winner of this contest.

This was an interesting first grow-out contest for BAR. Some people's acans died immediately in their tanks. Some didn't grow at all. Some had sudden explosive growth. Wpeterson's acan had explosive growth that just kept growing allowing him keep the lead in this contest.


Thanks for playing everyone. Hope the 10$ entry fee wasn't too expensive lol.

@wpeterson message me about your giftcard and which store you want it for.

Also if you want to give a summary of tips in caring for Acans feel free to post.
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