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Frag QT Tank

PS. Another reason I want to QT is to keep out fish diseases and parasites like ich. Ich attaches to hard surfaces and can easily be transferred between tanks on a frag. That sort of calls for a month-long QT, though. :(
[quote author=pixelpixi link=topic=4271.msg51509#msg51509 date=1218217030]
[quote author=tuberider link=topic=4271.msg51492#msg51492 date=1218213560]
I dip and hold, if anything looks suspect I throw it out. If I were swapping, I'd TMPCC, Fluke tab, then Interceptor, or something like that to all incoming Acros, and Coral Revive Montis.

How long do you "hold"? What do you do for zoas, mushrooms, clams, etc?

[/quote]I hold for 6-8 weeks, with dips and inspections. Shrooms, and clams I don't worry about, zoas get a thorough dip and in they go. I don't keep zoas and Palys myself, but they do go in customers tanks.
[quote author=ReeferGirl link=topic=4271.msg51501#msg51501 date=1218214913]
ok if anyone gets these at the swap, could they post pictures so i can see what these eggs and bugs, AEFW and other parasites and pests look like?
Well honestly, most of the pests out there are INCREDIBLY difficult to see, and that's with good eyesight. The sad state is typically people become "experts" in pest spotting after they've been nailed with them a couple times. Out of the SPS pests probably the easiest for me to spot were montipora eating nudibranchs, the downside is they seem to only come out at night (although signs show up before you see the pests usually), Acropora Eating FlatWorms (AEFW)? Practically invisible when it's on the coral. Red bugs? Look at my thread about taking photos, you can't see those sumbitches, seriously it's like trying see a grain of salt... on the floor when you're standing (sure if there was tons of it you can see it, but a single grain is hard as hell). Now as for Zoa bugs, never had issues with them, so can't speak on how hard they are to see.
Step #1 is knowing what potential pests could be on your corals, the short answer is "potentially any of them" if they came from a mixed reef, however if your tank is full of mushrooms, and you came home with mushrooms and zoas I wouldn't worry about acropora problems (AEFW, RedBugs) or montipora problems (Monti eating nudibranchs)

Step #2 is knowing how to dip, and somewhere around there there's a thread on that, although knowing the club they'll probably have handouts that have that information on it at the swap.
In general, I like 6-8 week QT for acros or montis. Shorter QT for other items.

You do have to watch for acro/monti pests that hitchhike in on zoas/lps/shrooms/rocks if the items come from a mixed reef though.

QT would be after povidone dip and 12 hour interceptor treatment.
Interceptor is for redbugs which affect acros. So you can skip interceptor for now.

If you do get any hitchhiker rb, they'll be long gone by the time you get acros.

Interceptor is kinda weird to get. You're supposed to have a prescription for your dog so you can get it from a vet.

Seems like someone always knows someone who knows someone who can get some .....shhhhhh :D

The nice thing about using Interceptor for a QT treatment instead of a display tank treatment is that 1 tablet goes a lot further.
anyone try over the counter wormers like this?


pretty much the same as Interceptor or heartguard, just not as strong.


The last time I QT'ed some frags, I left them in QT for a year and a half. Yep, I'm THAT lazy. (OK, I had kids in between).

I'm using a 10g AGA with a 70W MH and an AquaC Remora skimmer on it, with heater and pump of course.
Let me tell you...it can get pretty gross with algae...

Actually one reason I left it for so long is that one of the frags I got had RED FLATWORMS so the QT tank was infested. It took a while for me to go and order some flatworm exit and kill them. Then I left them in longer to make sure that the flatworms didn't re-appear. I then finally moved the frags to my main tank....

And last Saturday, I moved the frag swap frags into it.. I'm not going to wait that long this time, but I really am GLAD I used it the previous time...red flatworms are a total curse and treating 10g is much easier than 58g+sump.
