Reef nutrition

Frag Swap Carpool from SF?

Any Club Members interested in a carpool to the swap?
Im going to be leaving my house around 9am to get to swap early, I will be staying until the event is over. I have room for four people and all your coolers, also have room for all our raffle winnings! :bigsmile: (Tall/big persons = Knee busting - Crew Cab = PURE COMFORT!)

If anyone is interested, I can pick you up if your close by (1 mile) if not you can park near my house and we can leave from there.
*Im not asking so I can have my fuel paid for, just trying to help a few members save some time and money by offering a ride.

However fuel donations will be accpeted :) Also Im NOT going to flake or bail the morning of so dont worry about it.

My location is pretty much Holloway and Capitol Ave 94112, near AC.

+ First passenger gets SHOTGUN!
Plumstr8 said:
Not to late, after the picking rounds and raffle drawing is over.
Which should be no less than 2, no more than 3 hours from official start time (assuming business as usual).
Also worth noting if you are on a limited time schedule with a little time to spare: One of the BAR sponsors (Aquatic Collection) is only a couple miles from the swap.
8'11'' excuse me! :lol:
My buddy has a mini cooper, I learned to adapt! *gets ready bicycle helmet to prevent head injury on bumpy road*
Joost_ said:
I need a ride as well, PM send :)
Lets get the knee busting started!

No worrys about the knee busting, as it is a Crew Cab :)

OK. No problem
Seat #1 anathema
Seat #2 Joost
Seat #3 ..
Seat #4 ..

Two Left ;)