High Tide Aquatics

FREE 24' LPS Growout Contest - Dragon Soul Favia

Are you IN or OUT?!

  • Total voters
Final photo:

Final Photo LPS Contest dangalang TOP.jpg

Final Photo LPS Contest dangalang SIDE.jpg
Thanks again everyone for your participation in this contest. It was fun to watch the updates along the way. I know it was a slow grower, but thanks for sticking it out.

I've got a lot of posts and pictures to go through. Do I have at least 2 volunteers that would like to help me judge the winner? This is going to be a tough vote btw.
Thanks again everyone for your participation in this contest. It was fun to watch the updates along the way. I know it was a slow grower, but thanks for sticking it out.

I've got a lot of posts and pictures to go through. Do I have at least 2 volunteers that would like to help me judge the winner? This is going to be a tough vote btw.
I'd volunteer to judge.
Congratulations @dangalang ! You won a $100 Gift Card to your choice of partner LFS or Forum Sponsors!!! DM me for more details.

This was a difficult decision. This judgement was based on the observed two new polyps as well as the starting condition of the frag. The consistent growth and color were key factors in the decision.

Thanks to everyone that participated. Time to get ready for the 2025 growout contests!
Congratulations @dangalang ! You won a $100 Gift Card to your choice of partner LFS or Forum Sponsors!!! DM me for more details.

This was a difficult decision. This judgement was based on the observed two new polyps as well as the starting condition of the frag. The consistent growth and color were key factors in the decision.

Thanks to everyone that participated. Time to get ready for the 2025 growout contests!
Congratulations @dangalang ! You won a $100 Gift Card to your choice of partner LFS or Forum Sponsors!!! DM me for more details.

This was a difficult decision. This judgement was based on the observed two new polyps as well as the starting condition of the frag. The consistent growth and color were key factors in the decision.

Thanks to everyone that participated. Time to get ready for the 2025 growout contests!
Awesome! Thank you!

Nice job @dangalang , not as prestigious as the SPS contest tho…just sayin
Guess I'll take 2024 LPS Growout Winner off my resume then...