High Tide Aquatics

Free cadlight 70g with stand

Hey @popper Thanks again for offering this tank to the club! It's been a hectic work week and I completely forgot to come on here to say thanks. A few people passed on it, so @a.little.hypertonic was able to connect with @Srt4eric and get it off his hands. So thanks to both of you for the PIF and the hand off. I know she doesn't get on the forum much to post, but maybe I can convince her to do a tank journal on her plan for this tank.
Hey @popper Thanks again for offering this tank to the club! It's been a hectic work week and I completely forgot to come on here to say thanks. A few people passed on it, so @a.little.hypertonic was able to connect with @Srt4eric and get it off his hands. So thanks to both of you for the PIF and the hand off. I know she doesn't get on the forum much to post, but maybe I can convince her to do a tank journal on her plan for this tank.
Zoa queen is about to get loose with that tank lol