I cleaned my brute with vinegar to get rid of existing precipitate and then power washed the brute. Filled with 15 gallons of fresh ro/di that measured at 0 TDS. Added IORC salt to water (was at 71F at time of mixing) with two power heads running and no heater.
Measured 2 hours later
Temp: 71F
1.025 (Milwaukee)
Alk: 9.4 dKh (Hanna)
Ca: 470 (Salifert)
Mg: 1350 (Salifert)
These numbers are a little weird for IORC, but that's always been a problem with mixing partial bags. So we'll just roll with these numbers.
I then placed heater in and turned on after testing the initial water params. The two power heads continued to run the entire time.
24 hour result
Temp: 78.6F
1.025 (Milwaukee)
Alk: 9.4 dKh (Hanna)
Ca: 450 (Salifert)
Mg: 1350 (Salifert)
So far, params haven't drifted at all (Ca is well within margin of error). Will update in a few days.
Measured 2 hours later
Temp: 71F
1.025 (Milwaukee)
Alk: 9.4 dKh (Hanna)
Ca: 470 (Salifert)
Mg: 1350 (Salifert)
These numbers are a little weird for IORC, but that's always been a problem with mixing partial bags. So we'll just roll with these numbers.
I then placed heater in and turned on after testing the initial water params. The two power heads continued to run the entire time.
24 hour result
Temp: 78.6F
1.025 (Milwaukee)
Alk: 9.4 dKh (Hanna)
Ca: 450 (Salifert)
Mg: 1350 (Salifert)
So far, params haven't drifted at all (Ca is well within margin of error). Will update in a few days.
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