I liked my prime HD. The app is Bluetooth so connection is easy for the initial setup, then you probably won’t use it again unless you want to add white for a picture.Hoping that there are some sales on the AI Prime 16HDs. Has anyone had any experience with this light? I think part of the issue with coral growth is my current lighting. I'd like something with better control. Tank display dimensions are 16x12x12
I liked my prime HD. The app is Bluetooth so connection is easy for the initial setup, then you probably won’t use it again unless you want to add white for a picture.
There are downloadable profiles for the light schedule which is a nice way to get a plug and play lighting spectrum. I believe you can then adjust the intensity to suit your tank, but the color channels are all done for you.
You can likely find the older version for about $100 or the one with the app is around $150 used? Someone else probably knows the model lineup better, I believe they added light channels and the app functionality for the prime 16HD but am unsure.
You can get a goose neck (bendy), a 90° Angle mount that slides on both axis to center on your tank, or a hanging mount for it. There may be other options, I got the 90 mount when I had mineThanks. What kind of mount do you have for it? Does it come with any sort of attachment hardware (didn’t look like it from what I saw online)
Short answer, yes.
Longer answer, it depends.
What’s your photoperiod? Does it coincide with the sun?
Do you have anything that eats it?
You could likely just do alk since ca seems to be ok with just water changes
So, today’s project was setting up a dosing pump to dose kalk. Based on tank volume and consumption, I only need 30ml per day to keep up with what my water changes aren’t providing.
I used this Reef Chemistry Calculator: http://reef.diesyst.com/chemcalc/chemcalc.html
Yes, that’s a quart-sized mason jar that’s my kalk reservoir. I drilled a hole through the lid and glued the tube in place just off the bottom to avoid any precipitate. You guys are probably laughing at the small size, but it should be good for at least 2-3 weeks at my dosing rate.
Dosing hourly over the full day right now with a BRS doser. Ignore the Ca label. I was using it for 2-part before. It’s hooked into outlet 8 / solid state outlet on my Apex EB8. I seem to remember issues with some dosers shutting offer with the triarc outlets.
If my needs pick up to the point where kalk doesn’t cut it, I’ll switch over to 2-part.