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Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

+1 on the API test kits. Even long term.
Why : Super-simple - so you actually do the tests regularly.
Not necessarily the "best", but reliable and accurate enough.
That was awesome Jim! Random to catch that on video, nice work.
Yep...I couldn't have staged that better if I tried. I have seen where the shrimp had fell off the fishing line and one one of the hermits grab it. Of course cuttles will come over and grab the hermit with the shrimp still holding on to it. I's funny to watch the hermit try to avoid being a meal also !

It's considerably smaller than my Water Blaster. It's a good thing I had a small acrylic tray laying around to adjust the height correctly. My fish would be banging off the walls with 30, 170 gph !