
Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

I added a Hanna dual stag TDS meter (so I don't have to break out the TDS pen). I have it setup where I get TDS reading post Kold Sterile Filters and post Kati/Ani resins. The KSF need changing out as I was getting a reading of 78 ppm, but after Kati Ani I get a reading of 1 ppm. Not bad eh ? :)

After reading a book Jake Adams recommended on RB named Practical Coral Farming by Miguel Tolosa, I decided to give vodka dosing a shot (no pun intended). I'm happy to report I'm getting 0 ppm Nitrates and 0.25 ppm or less Phosphates. I bought the Kirkland brand vodka (as you tell by the pic) for under 20 bucks. I still have plenty left after dosing 6ml a day in main display and 2 ml in the frag tank.

After reading some horror stories of over flowing waste water in homes, I picked up a water sensor for when I make up water. I can't put a auto top off since the Kati/Ani can't handle back pressure. Well worth the 15 bucks.
Hrm, interesting about the kati/ani not being able to handle back pressure. Is your system constantly producing water for your water tanks?
Hrm, I didn't about the kati/ani not being able to handle back pressure. Is your system constantly producing water for your water tanks?

Yep.....I talked to Jim at The Filter Guys and he didn't know that initially and blew the top off the Kati/Ani. :O

There's no need to make water constantly as I can make 110 gallons of water in a few hours.