Neptune Aquatics

Green palyzoa

Hey zep, did you bring these to the last BAR frag swap? I saw these and thought they were awesome. If anyone has a frag to DBTC I'd love to pick one up sometime.
I got a good look at them after I got home for the Academy of Sciences on Sunday.

The color is a darker green than the Nuclear Greens that I have under the Radium 20K 150W bulb. They are closer to a dark tropical green with a few lighter, yellowish speckles. Mine don't have the green on the tendrils like Badbread, those tips are still brownish.

They definitely actively feed, and chomped down on some food in the tank.
Let me know if the tendrils color back up for you in the coming weeks. Mine got moved to lower light as I need space for coral that have to have light. I think they were brighter when I had them at the top of my rockwork.

Jason, I have another frag of these for you. I will be back in your area in a couple weeks if I could drop them off and check out the tank now that it has water in it?
That'd be awesome, thanks Richard! Just let me know when you'll be down here. I'd be happy to show you the tank. You were one of the few who got to see the tank dry (and help me move it...) so I hope you like it now that it's filled in. :)
Top of the tendrils have definitely colored up now - actively feeding but no obvious new buds yet. Maybe there is one, but that is it for now.

I expected that they would propagate a little faster. They are currently a few inches from the top of the water and only another 9 inches away from the 150 watt Radium 20K bulb.