Reef nutrition

Green star polyp eradication

Kensington Reefer

Supporting Member
I have a tank that is becomming overgrown with the white center green star polyp. Does anyone have any suggestions for what will eat it. There must be something that feeds exclusively on it.
Never heard of anything eating it. I'd just replace the rocks with GSP with new rocks. Look at it as an opportunity to add barren rocks that you can add corals to. :D If you really like GSP, have 1 isolated rock with it and it'll cover it, otherwise it'll keep spreading rock to rock.
They can be. I have heard of some people having success using a wire brush outside of the tank or epoxying over it. Some will peel off on its own. That said the only way to be sure you are rid of it and that it doesn't pop out again if you miss a spot is to either get rid of the rock itself or cook/bleach the rocks.
Well defining them as a pest really depends upon your definition of pest. Corals grow, its a fact of life, corals will do whatever they can to out compete other corals in order to "further their colony" whether its growing branches that go straight up, plates that block out sunlight for anything underneath, or the out "sting" other corals and/or grow over them. Some corals just grow faster than others, many soft corals fall into this category, as a result they (unfairly I think) get the term "pest" or "weed", GSP happens to fall into the "fast growing" category, so yeah it can get out of control since we have closed little ecosystems where there probably isn't anything to keep it in check except the tank walls (and it'll grow up that too!).

That being said my advice is just to try and pull up an edge and yank it out, you might never get it all, but if you keep it under control with periodic removal then you're basically doing the same thing the slow coral growers (SPS) are doing when they periodically make frags to allow optimal growth.
sfsuphysics said:
Well defining them as a pest really depends upon your definition of pest. Corals grow, its a fact of life, corals will do whatever they can to out compete other corals in order to "further their colony" whether its growing branches that go straight up, plates that block out sunlight for anything underneath, or the out "sting" other corals and/or grow over them. Some corals just grow faster than others, many soft corals fall into this category, as a result they (unfairly I think) get the term "pest" or "weed", GSP happens to fall into the "fast growing" category, so yeah it can get out of control since we have closed little ecosystems where there probably isn't anything to keep it in check except the tank walls (and it'll grow up that too!).

That being said my advice is just to try and pull up an edge and yank it out, you might never get it all, but if you keep it under control with periodic removal then you're basically doing the same thing the slow coral growers (SPS) are doing when they periodically make frags to allow optimal growth.

That would work too, especially if it is confined to a few rocks. I would also try to get these rocks away from your "clean" rock so that it doesn't migrate.
seminolecpa said:
They can be. I have heard of some people having success using a wire brush outside of the tank or epoxying over it. Some will peel off on its own. That said the only way to be sure you are rid of it and that it doesn't pop out again if you miss a spot is to either get rid of the rock itself or cook/bleach the rocks.

(Sorry Bryan) I would be leary of cooking any rocks, considering what happened to one of our members who almost seriously poisoned his entire family. If its a large amount, then I would favor manual pulling and keeping it under control that way. Or hacking it off. If you soak at all, I would do it outside of the house. I got rid of large amounts of GSP by soaking in plain tap water for a day or two, but noticed that they give off a pungent odor. You'll have to clean off the rocks afterwards, but do it outside if you can, and take proper precautions for safety (gloves, eye wear, don't breath the fumes, etc.)
Lyn said:
seminolecpa said:
They can be. I have heard of some people having success using a wire brush outside of the tank or epoxying over it. Some will peel off on its own. That said the only way to be sure you are rid of it and that it doesn't pop out again if you miss a spot is to either get rid of the rock itself or cook/bleach the rocks.

(Sorry Bryan) I would be leary of cooking any rocks, considering what happened to one of our members who almost seriously poisoned his entire family. If its a large amount, then I would favor manual pulling and keeping it under control that way. Or hacking it off. If you soak at all, I would do it outside of the house. I got rid of large amounts of GSP by soaking in plain tap water for a day or two, but noticed that they give off a pungent odor. You'll have to clean off the rocks afterwards, but do it outside if you can, and take proper precautions for safety (gloves, eye wear, don't breath the fumes, etc.)

Not by any means saying not to take precautions when doing either but it can be fine and totally safe if you do it the right way. That is like saying people shouldn't use a turkey fryer because lots of people set their house on fire.
Mr. Ugly said:
That would be "cooking" the rocks, not literally cooking the rocks.

Norman, I have heard that if you add some salt, sugar, vinegar and then deglaze it with vodca at the end, the rocks would taste much better :bigsmile:

seriously though, I had GSP and took out those rocks and dried them |( because I can not get rid of them any other way. After the rocks are dried those GSP things just peeled off >) >)
If you guys have GSP issues, i'll gladdly take some off of your hands. i want some more color in my tank as well. my Brown SP's are needing some friends -- I thought I crushed them a while back, but they just grew today.
I will give you cured rocks without GSP for your GSP covered rocks for the Steinhart. Shoot me an email,, if you are interested.
OH yah, I'll give him two rocks for every rock covered in GSP :lol:

ok just joking ;)

Nice offer Rich :)
Thales,I would gladly donate a GSP covered rock to the Academy.(Honored) It's about 5x5 Has been spreading pretty quicky onto the rocks in my tank and is easily removed .
That is a sweet deal from the Steinhart (Rich). In my experience the only thing natural thing that beats star polyps is some really fast growing zoas. I used to have a GSP problem and had some fast growing red palythoas. After 4 months i no longer had a GSP problem but did have a red paly problem.

I want to remove some GSP off of one rock, and wanted to know some options, without damaging my RBTA on same rock:

1. Put rock upside down, and bury the GSP in sand. Definitely doable, but how long would it take for them to die off? Days, weeks, months?

2. Does not look like a mat of GSP to peel off, but each one plugged into the rock pores. Use tweezers at the base to pluck them out. Not guaranteed to get all of it. Then do several rinses.

3. Muratic acid. I have this on hand to lower ALK of fresh salt water. Can apply with syringe outside of tank and do a long rinse on the area in the sink, then couple more tank water bucket rinses. Would the straight acid kill instantly, or let sit a few minutes?

4. Take out rock, and use blow torch. Never used it before, so don't know if it leaves any chemical residue. Does it take a long torch time to kill? Is simply a couple rinses in different tank water buckets enough to clean it off? I'll run a new batch of carbon of course.

5. High powered laser outside of tank. Dangerous to use and can cause blindness.

Rock in question:
