Grrrr missed April 
Good thing you get one missed month. Just don't forget another month.Grrrr missed April![]()
snap - I thought I was out - I didn't realise there was a cheat month. Must go take picture now, before I forget again.I know... I was only upset because I had it on my mind to take a pic a week ahead and still managed to miss it haha
Is it normal for them to do that?My May submission, I made sure not to forget this time. Was walking around work thinking to myself "must take pic tonight, must take pic tonight" over & over lol
Well it looks like I have a 3rd Polyp yayyyyyyyyy
but wait....
I moved it slightly for a better photo and when I was putting it back I noticed color in the back so I looked and oh wow, a 4th polyp all by itself in the back
As I placed it back after the 2 previous photos I noticed that one mouth was threatening me with its guts, figured you guys would enjoy the shot so here's an extra pic showing off some "guts"