Okay let me count and update the table 
Here's my Feb Pic. Mine's looking so bad I considered just dropping out, but who knows... maybe it'll bounce back.
Hi pixelpixi, have you tried placing it in a different spots with different light and flow conditions? Mine is in medium flow with pretty high light, but looking at yours, I'd tend to move it to lower light in hopes that it will reach for the light and stop hugging its skeleton. Best of luck, hope it improves and you don't lose it.
March, he doesn't look as puffy as he's been in the past. I just moved him and have been fighting back some algae growth around him. View attachment 4733
Yeah, @Vhuang168 let me know the same thing.Watch that algae growth. It can and does kill corals by smothering them and preventing them from photosynthesizing.
March update! Getting some new growth
View attachment 4737