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[Grow-out Contest] Tangerine Dreams Chalice - GROWTH TRACKING

Here's my Feb Pic. Mine's looking so bad I considered just dropping out, but who knows... maybe it'll bounce back.

Hi pixelpixi, have you tried placing it in a different spots with different light and flow conditions? Mine is in medium flow with pretty high light, but looking at yours, I'd tend to move it to lower light in hopes that it will reach for the light and stop hugging its skeleton. Best of luck, hope it improves and you don't lose it.
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Has anyone seen their chalice's tenticals? I've never seen mine. I don't know if I've just never caught it at the right time or if it's just not extended them.
Yup. If you see my 2nd pix you can see them peeking out.

I spritz a little coral frenzy solution on it, tentacles come out a little while after.

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I've seen the tentacles on mine, here are my March pics.

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March, he doesn't look as puffy as he's been in the past. I just moved him and have been fighting back some algae growth around him.
Try an urchin, I picked up a tuxedo pin cushion at Aquatic Collection after the swap for my display. I have a purple spiny urchin in my frag tank which is where my Tangerine Dream is growing out. Have to say they eat algae a lot quicker than snails or blennys.

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