Mike Yasin
So my Trident went a little whacky a few weeks ago with aberrant Cal and Mag readings, then Test B failures. I did the whole self-directed walk though, and it determined I needed to open a ticket. I had the thought to look inside the unit by pulling the reagents and drawer out. The Test B servo had a small leak and was gummed up. So last Monday I finally got an RMA number and link to put a deposit on a replacement Trident, which I did, but since then it's been crickets. I finally emailed them and asked about it, to which the reply was literally "we don't just have these lying around. We need to pull one from the floor and send it to be tested and QC'd". I get that they want to be sure I get one in working order, but does it take over a week and next to no communication? Yeah, first world problems, but I'm still grumpy about it.