got ethical husbandry?

Hana Alkalinity Meter

Has anyone tried this or heard of people that have tried it? This might be right up my alley because for the life of me I can't read the alk and other test kits- tried a bunch but I guess I'm too colorblind. :( So I thought this could be my answer but I'd like to get some info on user experienced before taking the plunge.
I have one. The #'s are off compared to API/Salifert tests. On RC there's a big thread on the Hanna board. Hanna recommends to shake the vial for 2.5 minutes. I dunno bout you but that's a long time to shake a vial. Also, they have different regeant lot #'s that produce different readings. I'd stick to your current alk test for now.
I'll check out the RC thread.
As far as my current test kit, it's a look in the tank and see if corals look good. :) . I do ask my friends to tell me when the color changes, but I consistently get low #s, ~7 dKh, and I dose 2 part so I'm not 100% sold on the test kit readings because it seems no matter what I do to change alk, it's always around the same level. :~