Neptune Aquatics

Hands Down Best Coral Dip

I use a mix of KCl and Melafix for 10-15 minutes. I use 0.5 Tbsp of KCl and 2ml of Melafix Pond per liter of water. Will pretty much knock off most things. Still QT though.

Also, I’ve seen a higher occurrence of white bugs and interestingly enough, it seems from my small amount of research that white bugs for acros and euphyllia may actually be the same. They sometimes will exhibit the color of the acro or torch they’re munching on. Only thing I know that will get rid of these for good is multiple high doses of interceptor. Melafix does seem to knock them off though (see second video of around 0:45 mark for first dose of melafix and the second dose around 1:12 mark) though you will still need to worry about eggs.


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More what?
A stronger dip. Apologies for the vague response.

I have not tested an increased concentration of the KCl dip to see if it will nuke stuff like nudis. I haven't seen any nudis for a long time to be able to test it though. I had done a few KCl dips when battling monti nudis after last June's frag swap. KCl did not kill them.

So either a stronger dip, like CoralRX or Revive. Or maybe a stronger concentration of the KCl. A worthy experiment. Thanks for asking for more details.
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