It's generally best to use the same vial- the two vials may have different levels of clarity naturally, or maybe even a random smudge or speck on one and not the other.
You want to ensure the unit's C-2 reading taken (after the powder has been added and shaken for two minutes) is based on the same glass section and clarity level that the level-set C-1 reading taken with just tank water.
The longer the reagent mixed water stays in the vial, it will tint the glass blue ever so slightly - so you can see why you want consistency in your vial's reading- vial 1 may be clearer than vial 2, and that will affect the optical accuracy, and give you a bad test result
It helps to get everything prepped prior to switching the Hanna on -- get 10ml of tank water in vial, cut open reagent packet alonf the dashed lines, and fold it upon itself so you have funnel like corners to easily pour the powder out; set a 3 min timer and go.
Also, give the vial a good wipe with something lint free just before you stick it in the unit - as other have said: use the same orientation each time- ensuring the optical reading is taken from the same part of the glass each time. You should have plenty of time before the unit powers down.