Wow that's too expensive.Here you go. High end heater. Not sure if its any better
Wow that's too expensive.Here you go. High end heater. Not sure if its any better
I have an aqueon pro 300 watt. I've been using it for a year without any problems.Not sure if I’ll get beat up for mentioning a Aqueon pro heater here after a lot of high end heater discussion, but specs seem pretty good and it has served me well for the last 4 years.
I use a 100 watt heater for my 20 gallon nano so it’s an easy load for the heater.
This is the one I use:
Aqueon Pro Adjustable Heater, 100W
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I've had the IM Helio 500W running for almost 1 week now. It's pretty impressive in terms of keeping temp stable. This shot is a before (just sump heater) and after just the Helio....highlighted square is temp fluctuation before.I hadn’t seen those before. They look interesting, thanks