Neptune Aquatics

Heater Recommendation

Not sure if I’ll get beat up for mentioning a Aqueon pro heater here after a lot of high end heater discussion, but specs seem pretty good and it has served me well for the last 4 years.

I use a 100 watt heater for my 20 gallon nano so it’s an easy load for the heater.

This is the one I use:

Aqueon Pro Adjustable Heater, 100W

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I have an aqueon pro 300 watt. I've been using it for a year without any problems.
I had another one that stopped working on me after 1 year of use and I sent it back and they gave me a new one.
These have a lifetime warranty. So I love them.
I hadn’t seen those before. They look interesting, thanks
I've had the IM Helio 500W running for almost 1 week now. It's pretty impressive in terms of keeping temp stable. This shot is a before (just sump heater) and after just the Helio....highlighted square is temp fluctuation before.

Both are running, but now my sump heater is set to stay off until temp is below 76.5

I wonder how much wear/what it’s life length will be like turning on and off a lot like that. Hopefully it’s long for the price.
I also wonder if it would make corals “weaker” or less able to handle temp swings do to say water changes etc. probably not, consistency is probably just going to make them stronger. Hard to say.
It's not that I was aiming for that level of stability - the heater is achieving that on it's own. I bought this heater to be the in-tank heater after my disaster a couple of months ago.

The settings are simply a "desired" temp, and a calibration for the remote sensor.