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Hello from Santa Rosa

Hello there,

My name is Colin, I work in the financial industry here in Santa Rosa, about an hour north of San Francisco.

I've been keeping a reef of one form or another for the past ten years. I've never joined any clubs or known anyone in person who keeps a reef for that matter. It'd be kinda nice to change that.

Anyway, I currently only have a 5 gallon Fluval Spec V. No filtration other than the stock sponge, slightly upgraded LED lighting, and a tiny Marineland heater in the overflow. This tank really is about as simple as I could possibly imagine.

This system is about a year old. I only recently started to stock it with coral because I wanted to make sure the system could be stable, but also because I had other financial priorities. The tank is mostly LPS, Zoas, and various mushrooms. Everything is fairly new to the system, so there isn't much growth yet. The only exception is the hammer coral, which is a frag from a colony that I have had with me for nearly the full tenure of my reefing experience.There is also a clam that I received from my wife about a month ago for my birthday, but I have no idea if it will survive or not.

Glad to be here! Thank you for looking!

Here are a couple pics: FTS and some of the inhabitants... nothing extremely special.




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Welcome! Your pictures are very sharp! What are you taking pictures with?

BAR is definitely the largest reef club in the san francisco bay area and you are totally welcome to join our events and participate in our free forum.

Id also like to let you know about the Wine Country Reefers. They are a smaller reef club in your area. I think they host events near Santa Rosa. Its common for them to travel down here and attend our events. @aqua-nut

Here is their forum: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=393

But like I said WELCOME! And hope to see more posts from ya. Come to the events for a fun good time :)
Welcome Colin!
Glad you decided to look us up. There are lots of good people that frequent this site. Feel free to ask for advice or maybe share a tank build.
Happy Reefing
Welcome! Your pictures are very sharp! What are you taking pictures with?

BAR is definitely the largest reef club in the san francisco bay area and you are totally welcome to join our events and participate in our free forum.

Id also like to let you know about the Wine Country Reefers. They are a smaller reef club in your area. I think they host events near Santa Rosa. Its common for them to travel down here and attend our events. @aqua-nut

Here is their forum: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=393

But like I said WELCOME! And hope to see more posts from ya. Come to the events for a fun good time :)

Welcome Colin!
Glad you decided to look us up. There are lots of good people that frequent this site. Feel free to ask for advice or maybe share a tank build.
Happy Reefing

Thanks to both!

I shot those pictures last night on a Cannon EOS Rebel T3, after a pint of Pliney. I appreciate the kind words, but I'm still learning the camera and I'm not totally pleased with the quality of the pictures. I see some amazing reef shots around the interwebs that really POP, so of course that is my goal for the future!
Well there seems to be a huge demand for a "Photography in the Reef Aquarium" workshop.

Sometimes we'll take pictures of our tanks and they'll turn out all BLUE or maybe you turned up the White lighting but your picture has an unnatural Yellow color. We'll try and address those issues and show ya ways to get pictures that match what you're seeing in person.

You can definitely expect to hear about the workshop in a couple months.
Welcome!! Beautiful tank! I love my nano and am always happy to have more little reefers in here. Do you have any fish or inverts in there? Would also love to see picture of your clan and hear how it does.
Cool tank and welcome to the club! I like the scape and your simplistic, equipment wise, approach.

Btw I actually have the same camera and am kind of embarrassed by the photos I get now:rolleyes:. What lens do you use?
im using a canon rebel t2i with the 18-55 kit lens for all my pictures. Sometimes I use extension tubes.

Been thinking about picking up the canon 100mm 2.8L macro lens but the $800 price tag is too steep for me :)
Beautiful clam. How long have you had that clam? Looks to be about 2 inches? based on that little hermit crab behind it.
Thank you. Yup, just about two inches. I've had it for about 4 weeks now. Seems to be doing OKAY... But I don't think it's fully opening. Time will tell I guess.
Yeah I keep hearing the survival rate on baby maxima/derasa clams is low. Was hoping it was wrong because I really want a baby maxima!
It's funny that you mention the word "baby", because I was just thinking out the age of these clams. I've only briefly tried to find an answer but haven't had any luck. I read that they can live to be a hundred years or more, but nothing about being able to visually identify current age. Theoretically, a clam this size could be 1, or 10.