got ethical husbandry?

Help me decide on fish


You know that RSR 650 that @Coral reefer put up for’s all mine now. With @Twisted ‘s help we got it into my car!

So now I’m dreaming of larger fish. I don’t want a strictly FOWLR system, and I’m not ready for SPS yet.

I’d really love to get a snowflake eel, some nems and a pair of maroon gold bar clowns. I’m also thinking of tangs and a smaller puffer. What else could work? Harlequin Tusk? Dwarf lion fish?

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Key: Larger predator fish mean no small fish, and often no small inverts.
I have a Tusk, and he is a great fish. Active, looks great. But no more shrimp or small snails.
So you need to make that decision.

If unsure, stick with large herbivores.
That primarily means tangs and a few butterfly fish, maye dwarf angels.
My Foxface is another favorite.
I have one large hermit that is ok, but the little ones were a quick snack.
My clean up crew is almost all big mexican turbos.
Well, and all the tangs, foxface, and other fish.
Yeah, I would do the eel, tusk nor lionfish, puffer too probably would be suspect. But it depends upon what you want in your tank, an "aggressive" fish mostly tank? sure. Ideas for a full reef tank... not so much, even if you're not ready for SPS now, you're not going to fish the unwanted fish out later.
I guess I’m thinking semi aggressive but coral safe. I can forgo small inverts.

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You could go with a predator and coral only tank. If there are mostly softies, you'll probably be OK. But most hard corals will have a problem with a messy tank with predators...they make a mess when they eat.
I just tore down a tank with softies that at one point had a Toby puffer, an Angler fish, Harlequin Tusk, and a couple of Butterfly fish. Which worked, but I had no inverts other than two large Mexican Turbos. Water was always a bit dirty...and nutrients were off the chart.