Our mission

Hollywood Stunner Chalice in Mountain View

I've got several large frags and colonies of Hollywood Stunner Chalice for pickup in Mountain View on DBTC. You should have an established tank with a tank journal on BAR forums, the usual DBTC rules. You can see a few of the parent colonies in this top down shot on the bottom middle and left middle:


This is a hardy and fast growing chalice, great for beginners.
You do grow a mean monti!

Thank you! I trimmed them all and gave away about 10 frags at the frag swap (montis and chalices, mostly) but I need to do another round soon. They are cutting off light to the lower levels and growing horizontally into some of the acropora colonies. I've been lazy about keeping them trimmed. The later stage maintenance of a reef is a newer experience for me.

So happy to DBTC some of the green or purple monti's you see in that picture as well.
I'm going to be at the BAR meeting at CA Reef Co on Saturday, so we can meet up there or pick up at our place in Mountain View another time this weekend.

There are currently one medium sized piece of Hollywood Stunner left (also a largish colony, reserved for @Newjack).
I gave away a colony and all the frags of stunner I have, but I was inspired to frag another colony so there are 3-4 more medium sized pieces and some small pieces of folks want some.

@dochou gets first dibs, but there's enough for another 2-3 more folks.
I also have a small frag of the purple montipora capriconis that I accidentally fragged while I was working on the biggest stunner colony today. Someone asked me about this at the meeting today, but I forget who it was (@wfong perhaps?). I'm usually happy to provide a small frag of red, green, or purple monti caps from one of our larger colonies if someone wants one.
@wperterson generously fragged his green monti for me earlier this week. When he broke off the piece, it broke into 3 pieces. All are a good sized so if anyone wants a piece of the green monti, let me know. I have 2 frags.