High Tide Aquatics

Hooked; 3 Tank Builds ...

When fragging zoas, sometimes the scalpel will slip and I'll slice through the mat instead of scraping off a thin layer of rock like I intended. These weakened zoas are the only ones I've seen amphipods devour. Are you able to isolate the nems for a while, perhaps in QT?

Great work on the seahorses! I can get you a starter culture of rotifers if you need it.
Wow, I've never seen amphipods go after something like that, they don't seem like the type. Maybe there is some damage they are taking advantage of that we can't see.
I'm not sure either but it's very annoying ... They try to attack my mini maxi as well but usually end up being stung and dying ...

Can't move the anems to my fisht qt as it has had copper;

My coral qt has amphipods also

I will be at the next meeting; definitely will take donated Roto cultures

The amphipods also ate my coco tube worm and attacked my yellow polys and gsp .... and ate two large turbo's

the snails now only go on the glass now also annoying :p
I'll probably get a wrasse for the 55g long...

Something used to eat them before ...

Not sure if it was my starry blenny or naso who passed or the fu man chu that is in the coral qt now after eating my chromis.

The 20G seems to small for any more fish at this point just has a 4 inch tomato clown and a purple dotty ...

If I can buy 57 rimless set up next month I'll move the 20 to that and put the fu man chu in there and get a wrasse

Still doesn't solve the pod problem in the seahorse tank ...
You could try baiting and trapping the amphipods. Put a piece of shrimp in a container with a small opening, and quickly remove the container when lights are out. Repeat as necessary. I'm inclined to believe there's some other underlying issue - I've got tons of amphipods that will devour dying soft-tissued organisms, but they leave healthy tissue alone - so you may want to continue investigating while salvaging what you can of the palys, nems, and GSP.

I'll bring a bag of rotifers this Saturday for you, it won't be as dense as one from Reed but it's a start. :)
Woot fish out of qt and babbies







This actually answered my downside, thanks!
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Nice Drew, looks good.

If your tank is glass, you might try an urchin to help with the algae. They are pretty amazing, and thorough. Not so good with acrylic as they can chew on it a bit with their strong teeth (or is it a beak?)

Is that second shot an anemone or a shroom? Very cool coloration on it.
The 55 just has a turbo and blenny for the clean up crew above; fuge has a giant hermit crab; All my indoor tanks are glass maybe I can get an urchin and have him alternate between the four tanks :p. I ended up not wanting to get in the tank and just did a small water change and everything is starting to clear up by it's self ... 4 small water changes a month seems to be the ticket for me ...

That is a very large maxi anemone; I eventually want a collection ...

Some of the new arrivals settling in gaining color




