There doesn't seem to be good documentation on the exact diet of the Linkia or Fromia, but both appear to be scavenging omnivores feeding off the surface of the glass and rockwork. Over the long term, it might be tough to keep two of them, but they seem to be doing well together for now. The new red fromia is only about 1-2", while Jon's orange Linkia is about 5". They are both quite active for slow moving invertebrates, moving all over the tank.
The Fromia was in an LFS tank with salinity that was unusually low at 1.022, so I did a slower drip acclimation than usual for almost two hours to get up to 1.025 in our tank.
If folks have experience target feeding them, I'd be open to that but haven't seen any conclusive advice on it. They have a reputation for being somewhat difficult to keep long term, but I suspect much of this is due to shipping stress and acclimation shock. They are as sensitive or more sensitive to salinity changes and water parameters as sea urchins.