
How to Get Rid of Flat Worms


Supporting Member
For the past few months we from time to time have had a few Flat Worms. We seem to be able to control them to minimum with water changes and syphoning from time to time. Recently past week or so they seem to be out of control. Is Flatworm Exit good product? Does it work well? Any problems or cautions using this product. What other treatments have others had success with?

I've treated a small tank with success using FWE; although some people consider those harmless, I noticed an overpopulation of them over the rock where zoanthids use to thrive; I cannot affirm those (FW) were the cause but I noticed a mat of red FW over the rocks and well, had to blame it on something.
I siphoned most of the ones easy to spot and then did the Salifert FWE treatment with successful result; a week later I did a second and very few showed up; a third treatment did not show any signs of the pesky little things to have survived.
I took the risk after reading some horror, if we may call them that way, stories but those might be attributed to something done wrong?
I didn't dose the liquid according to my tank's empty volume, the tank is a 37G with lots of rock; I believe dossed for a 25G water volume. Had enough water for a full water change ready in case of emergency but changed about 10G, added carbon, next day another 10G; repeated the same a week after.
So far so good.
I don't have a wrasse in that tank, it might have helped to control them if I have had one.

LMK I have some FWE
I 2nd FWE. do your proper planning so if you have a bunch of them you don't nuke your tank. and you shoudl repeat treatment at least 1-2 more times if you want to eradicate them, otherwise you'll likely get a couple survivors that start the population over again.
Just follow the direction have new carbon ready and do at least 25% water change If not more and you'll be fine and as soon as u see more show up do It again. But make sure to siphon out as much as possible before treatment cause there's at least double hiding in the rocks and sand.
How did the treatment go?

I had flatworms in the tank from a few early pieces that I wasn't careful about dipping/treating. They managed to multiply in the past couple weeks, even with a significantly reduced feeding regimen and weekly 30% water changes. I manually siphoned them out several times, and thought I had caused a dent in their population. Today I made up my mind to finally use the Flatworm Exit purchased several months ago. There were at least 5x the population of flatworms I expected that were not visible.

Started out with the recommended dosage, and after half an hour when there were still unaffected planaria, added another dose (for a total of a double dose). About an hour after treatment began, my fish began flashing against the sandbed, so I put in a large bag of fresh carbon and monitored the inhabitants for a couple hours. Cerith snails fell over initially, but began to recover about 6-8 hours after treatment. There were still about 8-10 resilient flatworm buggers still on the glass that I had to manually suction out. I had a 30% water change on hand that was not used.

Normally I would not medicate in any form within the DT, but I've had planaria problems with freshwater shrimp tanks that required the use of fenbendazole (an active ingredient in canine dewormer) to eradicate. Decreasing feedings and aggressive filtration isn't enough. It's possible another FWE treatment will be in order in the near future, and I still have some, but given how pricey it is compared to fenbendazole, I'm thinking I want to grab the next flatworms I see and see how effective fenbendazole is against them.
By using FWE you are simply masking the true problem and you will still have that main problem which will probably lead to yet another outbreak. Rather then masking and dumping more medication into our sewer system, why not figure out why you have elevated nutrients? In a properly running system, red planaria will not take hold.
I've been overrun a few times. FWE did the trick, but with elevated dose levels (ie danger!) and multiple treatments. Mostly I got the flatworms from frag swaps! SOOOOOOO don't just dump new coral into your tank without a QT tank!
