Our mission

I feel stupid today.

Jason, that looks like Tut Ankh Nemo!

You must have snagged that from the http://www.tutsanfrancisco.org/ Tutankhamen exhibition... I read they liked to be buried with their pets!
I am very sorry to hear about your wrasse. I recently lost my oscellaris clown due to jumping out of my open-topped tank -- he was beautiful, growing and seemingly happy. I won't let myself get another fish until I cover the top of the tank with mesh. My clown is now resting eternally in the planter box outside.
...if the fish is mostly dry, you can sit it in a small dish and set the dish inside your bucket of salt. The salt acts as a desiccant and will efficiently suck out the water ;)

ps, both my wrasses were found behind my tank as orderless jerky. One took over a year and the other a couple weeks to earn their wings.
you guys are all weird! I'm getting away from you reefers and these crazy things your doing. At least I eat mine when they die! :p I just figure they owe me something after all I have done for them! Hehehe
sorry to hear about the fish. jason: that's kind of cool, surprisingly

I think I have three chromis and a ventralis anthias somewhere behind my tank... I can always tell: missing fish, dog pawing like crazy trying to get behind the tank