Thanks, Gus.Orion said:I will see you at the meeting.
I have the season greetings monti for you from ryan
After sawing on Monday, I'll likely have 4 or 5 frags of this. They'll be jumbo, like an inch square so not a good fit in a nano tank. I'll mount them on 2" discs and bring them to the BOD meeting. Any other RSVPs??????Orion said:I would like some more
I love this coral
Can you come to the BOD meeting next Saturday the 13th in Hayward? I'm planning to bring some to the meeting anyway.jestersix said:If only I was going to be up that way soon! Would like to see how this would do in the shade of the plasmas...
You made my day. I'll save one of the two smaller ones. They are still about an inch across the hypotenuse with plenty of little pinkie eyes.........the better to see you with hehehe. p/u at your convenience.99sf said:John, I would like to try to grow out a little piece, if any are unclaimed. It sure is colorful! Can't make the meeting this Saturday, but perhaps I could come pick it up at your house.
Anytime, Con. I'll hang on to it for you and I just rebuilt my saw with new plastic wheel bands and plenty of fresh blades. Just let me know.........I've got plenty of free time right now.iCon said:I'll jumpNot sure when we'd be able to hook up for the swap - Maybe a band saw session?
I'll betcha.......99sf said:Yay, I'm excited to grow my first mycedium! John, do you think your awesome saw would be able to make some frags out of my scroll coral?
I'm bringing frag number four to the BOD meeting and someone better want it or else! J) (screebo said:I'll betcha.......99sf said:Yay, I'm excited to grow my first mycedium! John, do you think your awesome saw would be able to make some frags out of my scroll coral?
#4: ???