Cali Kid Corals

I wonder if...

The laws on Bait and Switch would hold true for ebay?

The reason I am wondering, is someone on another site posted their ebay sales and said to check for Red Hornet for their sales, then me being curious about it, I go and check then see that all of their corals have Red Hornet Zoa in their titles. You think that was a bait and switch? I thought it was kind of a funny thought.
The internet is still a grey area, especially Ebay given the actual sellers may not be in your state.

If they are just using key words that is not bait and switch. if they called it Red Hornets and you got green palys then you'd have a case.
I'd trust eBay about as much as I could potentially own it. When it comes to any sort of aquarium livestock (i.e. corals) I wouldn't trust them even if I was Bill Gates... (and then could potentially own it)

I don't know if it is bait and switch, however they are using key words to bait you, they are also using other terms to describe what is being sold.